Kristin Martin demonstrated how to take minutes in the wiki
Switching from WebEx to Zoom meeting which OLE has subscribed to for our meetings now. Updated call-in information will be posted to the RM wiki and you should also be receiving an invitation from Holly Mistlebauer.
Holly Mistlebauer and Kristin Martin can help with any issues with accessing OLE/FOLIO Google Drive folders and files.
Subgroup discussed what they like and dislike about current ticketing systems
Ticketing system must complement rather than interfere with or be apart from communication via email – most important part is to be able to track issues/problems but current systems are clunky to use
Overview of CRM market – dozens available and no consistency about what is being used across different institutions / libraries
Integration with other systems – e.g. Outlook and Gmail (email integration is key)
Export options for data
Anonymize for sharing?
Vision: lightweight system integrated into FOLIO where it could be integrated into an outside system (e.g. a true CRM) but that libraries who don’t need a more complex solution can use if they wish
Need ability to notify to patrons of resource/platform problems in public interfaces (and staff in library interfaces) – especially about downtime for specific resources / platforms
Email integration does overlap with CRM considerations
Kristen Wilson went over a few different examples of other systems that have email integration:
Blackboard integration of email – email client within system – could be useful but needs to be synced with primary email client inbox as well as within system
Clio plugin for Google Chrome – ability to file emails in a different system without having to leave email client
FOLIO needs good internal searching
Best bet is to save all of our emails and have a good searching function so we don’t need to presort emails/identify them later for storage – need to be able to flag/star important conversations to sort out the wheat from the chaff