Review and edits of the charter for the Tri-Council working group - see the updated document.
Discussed the
Tri-Council Working Group's responsibility. We are all representing the three councils CC, TC and PC. The working group will loop in the respective councils for further discussion, where CC is responsible for community questions, the TC is responsible for technical matters, and PC for questions for FOLIO as a product. We deal with problem issues, which affect the FOLIO implementers. The group will also review the platform composition, and defining what is core and what is extended, and also suggest a process for deciding which apps needs can be bundled as result of the re-architecture, and able to interact with each other.
The RFC process as a high profile on-going process is happening in the TC, and this will affect the work with the re-architecture of FOLIO. This working group will only seek impact on the RFC processes if we identify risks for the FOLIO customers. FOLIO is one project, one product - and the council is supporting each others.
Next steps/deliverables
Previously discussed candidates:
Terminology definitions
Review of council question documents
Risk analysis
Update to community in December
Should we also consider more concrete deliverables?
- process for how an application will be defined
- process for how platform core/functional/extended will be defined
- decision about what platforms the community will govern?