there is a WG starting to deal with SRS and data integrity
Question from chat (Is there a clear understanding of what data integrity means in this context?)
Profiles doing things that they are not clearly documented as updating (MARC, Instance, etc)
Issues for 'source of truth' is also becoming an issue
Also, Quickmarc is editing automatically 006 sans notification
How is this playing out with implementers (who have already implemented)?
there is a fix, requires a report
field protection was put into MARC update, but that same field protection is not working when updating Instances
from chat (Thanks Kristin. I think it’s important we don’t lose sight of what I think of data integrity between Folio apps - i.e. issues like changes to instances in Inventory doesn’t update information in Orders (or whatever) which I think is probably more relevant to RM)
from chat (I may need to start using more explicit terminology to avoid confusion about the term “data integrity”!)
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Acquisitions Updates
Demo/discussion of receiving changes that include the addition of holdingsID (now for R3)
all these things are currently in a FORK, in the thunderjet environment, to keep issues from having in the master code branch
ORDERS interactions, here, are connecting things to holdings
holding links are connected to the POL
order data is being retrieved when loading the holdings
when a holdings change is required, that change would affect the order record too? or no?
some are using the location, 'on-order,' when ordering, but when the location is actually chosen the final location, this change will NOT be reflected in the order, CURRENTLY, but in this suggested change, then the change would be easier to handle
from chat (We have the same workflow at Chicago, Dung-Lan, and we decided we would not change the location in Receiving, but change it in Inventory after it is received)
when it gets to cataloging, that team will make the perm change of location
in IRIS, the order will still have on-order, but in this change, that will be made