- Martina Tumulla
- Maria Grzeschniok
- Ann Campbell
- Eric Hartnett
- Charlotte Whitt
- Lynn Bailey
- Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated)
- VBar
- Steven Brown
- Bethany Greene (Deactivated)
- george.stachokas
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
Minute Taker | ||
Announcements/Information | Discuss Posts you might want to see: New version of RoadMap available. It now lists a product owner and designer for each feature (though these aren't set in stone). @cult - new company interested in developing a cataloging app/MARC editor. They are currently working on a BibFrame project with Cassalini. Metadata Management got a demo of some of their work. The meeting was recorded and Charlotte will send out a link to it. Workflow is currently not on the roadmap but work will continue on it. FOLIO Days in Germany was a success. Kristin is going with a small group to the Library of Congress to discuss FOLIO with them. | |
Orders refinements | Acquisitions Subgroup | Newest version of Orders has not been uploaded to the prototype yet - they would like feedback first. They plan to upload it today. There's a new summary section at top and some of the fields have been reordered. Some fields will have a help icon to get more details about the field. Reporting codes - how are they used? Tracking journals in packages. Tracking funds for subject/formats. Overall, they don't seem to be that important. It's good to have the field for flexibility. The preference would be to find a better way to produce the same information. There is a need to have a controlled vocabulary - could this be in the admin? "Is this a controlled field or not?" As you start typing it autofills; if not in the system, you're prompted to add. E-resource details - should some of these be entered here or should they be pulled from another source such as the knowledgebase? There are still a lot of questions about the status of eresource management. Who's working on it? Is it a priority? If we start populating the fields now and and ERM is built later, what happens to the data? Are we just creating a complicated workaround? Kristin will take it to the Product Council. "Assigned to" = the group that has been assigned the order. Is this the order/acquisitions unit? Or does this information need to be more prominent
Titles in summary: do we need to have a visual appealing look with the cover images? No sure we really need them. We like having the title information at the top, but would need to think about how to display a long multi-line PO. Finally question: how do we control against creating multiple vendor records? Use fuzzy matching with a warning that you may be creating a dup? Are there other fields that we can use for matching? Topic to think about. |