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Settings - Reference data

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Data records – Prerequisite reference data/data records, other instructions

Data record


Prerequisite reference data or other data records

API endpoint for post



holdingsinventoryfull location hierarchy (institutions/campuses/libraries/locations) and service points (required), call-number-types (required), holdings-types (required), holdings-type-notes (optional).holdings-storage/holdings
instancesinventoryinstance-types (required if loading through Data Import), formats (optional)instance-storage/instances
itemsinventoryfull location hierarchy (institutions/campuses/libraries/locations) and service points (required), loan-types (required), material-types (required), statistical-code-types (optional), statistical-codes (optional)item-storage/items
organizationsorganizationscategories (optional), contacts (optional)organizations-storage/categories
proxiesusersusers (required)proxiesfor
purchase ordersordersfull location hierarchy (institutions/campuses/libraries/locations) and service points (required), instances , organizations (vendors), addressesorders/composite-orders
usersusersgroups (required), addresstypes (required)user-import of 202001, latest commit to this repository was made in 201801. The schema is out of date with the user schema, so the local tenant may wish to use the user schema and endpoints instead.

Reference data

Data element


Settings url in the UI (relative to base url for instance)

API endpoint for post



addressesused in purchase orders for Bill to and Ship to addresses.settings/tenant-settings/addressesconfigurations/entries
addresstypesused in user records to identify type of address. Local tenant may wish to delete default address types provided with FOLIO. settings/users/addresstypesaddresstypes
call-number-typesused in inventory holdings records to identify type of call number. As of Q4 2019, the default reference data does not include a call-number-type for 'blank' as defined by MARC 852 indicator 1. Local tenants may need to add the 'blank' value for migration purposes.settings/inventory/callNumberTypescall-number-types
categories (organizations)used in organization records to identify classes of data, such as addresses, emails, urls, etc. Local tenant may wish to delete default categories provided with FOLIO, using the Settings/organizations/category page in the UI.settings/organizations/categoryorganizations-storage/categories
campusesused in inventory holdings & item records to identify 2nd level in location hierarchy.settings/tenant-settings/location-campuseslocation-units/campuses
circulation-rulesused in circulation to determine combination of loan policy and notice policies that apply to a given circulation situation.settings/circulation/rulescirculation-rules-storage

loan policies
request policies
notices policies
overdue fine policies
lost item fee policies

groupsused in user records to identify patron groups. As of Q4 2019, the system loads reference data for groups, so local tenants will probably want to delete those groups before creating their own.settings/users/groupsgroups
holdings-typesused in inventory holdings records to identify type of holdings record. If the local tenant wishes to base their holdings-types codes on USMARC holdings records leader/06, then they will have to create an additional holding type for 'unknown'.settings/inventory/holdingsTypesholdings-types
holdings-note-typesused in inventory holdings records to identify types of note included in the record. Can be used, for instance, to define a type of note that contains "Latest volume or edition in alternate location".



identifier-typesused in inventory instance records to define type of identifier. Local tenant may wish to define specific identifier type for USMARC field 001 to uniquely identify previous system record key.settings/inventory/identifierTypesidentifier-types
instance-formatsused in inventory instance records to identify record format. Identified in the inventory instance record UI and Settings/Inventory UI as "formats". If instance record is created via Data Import of a MARC record, format is assigned by mapping the MARC field 338 subfield $b. Default list provided in FOLIO based on RDA carrier type codes and names. Local tenant may wish to add instructions to default mapping rules to create instanceFormatIds in instance records where MARC source records lack 338 fields, basing the codes on field 007 values. Instructions on how to modify mapping rules are available at: How to work with mapping rules.settings/inventory/formatsinstance-formats
instance-typesused in inventory instance records to identify record type. Identified in the inventory instance record UI and Settings/Inventory UI as "resource type". If instance record is created via Data Import of a MARC record, instance-type is assigned by mapping the MARC field 336 subfield $b. Default list provided in FOLIO based on RDA content type codes and names. If the MARC record lacks field 336 subfield $b, the instance record is assigned a default instance-type of 'unspecified'.settings/inventory/resourcetypesinstance-types
institutionsused in inventory holdings & item records to identify top level in location hierarchy.settings/tenant-settings/location-institutionslocation-units/institutions
librariesused in inventory holdings & item records to identify 3rd level in location hierarchy.settings/tenant-settings/location-librarieslocation-units/libraries



loan-policiesused in circulation module to define basic loan/renewal/recall configuration. If the local tenant wishes to migrate retrospective loans to FOLIO and link them to existing policies and rules, loan-policies must be created before migration.settings/circulation/loan-policiesloan-policy-storage/loan-policies
loan-typesused in inventory item records and circulation rules to determine appropriate loan policy. Local tenant may wish to delete default loan types provided with FOLIO.settings/inventory/loantypesloan-types
locationsused to identify shelf locations in inventory holdings & item records.settings/tenant-settings/location-locationslocations




service points

material-typesrequired element used in item records to identify the item's type of material. Can be used as a defining data element in circulation-rules. Local tenant may wish to delete default material-types provided with FOLIO.settings/inventory/materialtypesmaterial-types
service-pointsused primarily in circulation apps to identify points where circulation actions take place. Local tenant may wish to delete default service points provided with FOLIO. As of Q4 2019, the local tenant will apparently have to do the delete using a curl command or other script that deletes from the API endpoint, as there doesn't appear to be a delete function for these in the Settings/Tenant/Service Points UI. Also, although the options to print slips at a specific Service Point appear to be selected by default, they do not become active unless Pickup location is set to 'Yes'.settings/tenant-settings/servicePointsservice-points
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