HTTP API Guidelines

This guide is intended to provide guidance of how HTTP APIs in FOLIO are intended to behave.

Collections of Records

Many of the APIs in FOLIO are intended for maintaining collections of records.

Root Path

The endpoints that make up the API for a collection of records are grouped together by a common root path e.g. /circulation/loans.

This path should include the type of records e.g. loan and some context to differentiate them from other record types with the same name e.g. /circulation/loans or /circulation-storage/loans.

This helps to reduce the potential for path conflicts in the system.


MethodSub PathPurposeExpectations
POST/Create a new record

If the new record is created, the server must respond with a 200 status code and a JSON representation of the record

If the new record cannot be created, and the client can possible correct for that, then the server should respond with a 422 status code and standard validation error response (see another section, TBD)

GET/Fetch a (sub)set of records
GET/{id}Fetch an individual record

If the record exists, the server must respond with a 200 status code and a JSON representation of the record

If the record does not exist, the server must respond with a 404 status code



Create or replace an individual record
DELETE/{id}Delete an individual record


The use of must, should, may etc is based upon RFC2119