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2021-12-09 Meeting notes

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Discussion items

5 minAnnouncements

TC approved the mod-inventory-update module this week.

Universidad Adolfo Ibanez to go live in Jan.

Jorge Tadeo Lozano University to adopt the FOLIO LSP in April.

A global banking school to go live on circulation this month and then full implementation next year.

Spokane Public Library will go live this month.

5 minPrivacy SIG CharterPeter

Product council approves and endorses the new Privacy SIG Charter

10 minData Sync Working Group updateBrooksThe proposal is nearing completion, including documenting the issues that have been found and how developers should work with them.  It doesn't cover all of the use cases in the community (e.g., some circulation and SIP2 dependencies across apps, blocking of deletion such as when an agreement points to a deleted purchase order line) but does cover when copies of data need to be updated across apps.  An initial draft has been done and is now being rewritten based on the comments and discussions of the group.  Cross App Data Syncronization Use Cases - Google Sheets.
70 minSIG Convener updatesAll 

See below

SIG Convener Updates

App Interaction (Martina Schildt)

  • Demos of newest functionality per app
    • Continuation of dashboard - review of collected use cases across FOLIO
    • eUsage visualization - usage statistics are visualized in Agreements record (separate accordion)
    • Planned for Dec 15th: Inventory
  • Goals: check for dependencies and data sync needs; be aware of functionality in other apps - possible reuse

Acquisitions (Martina Schildt)

  • Demo on requirements and best practice for subscription handling using prediction patterns
  • EDIFACT invoices
  • Display a history of edits for the order record
    • mock-ups for order change log 
    • Discussing requirements
  • Requirements related to show/hide fields functionality
    • usable via PO templates

ERM (Martina Tumulla & Martina Schildt)

The ERM SIG discussed Open Access properties of Agreements and talked about various implementers’ topics and actions taken or planned.

Open Access (Björn Muschall)

  • OA properties in Agreements
  • Linking OA requests and Agreements, and data display in OA request
  • Pick lists and common values
  • Request mockup and workflow discussions
  • PC discussion on including OA in Flower release (PC approval)
  • 1:1 conversation with a German project initiative with regard to OA cost monitoring (ongoing)

User Management (Maura Byrne)

Resource Access (Jana Freytag)

Reporting (Angela Zoss) - conflict at 10am Eastern, sorry!

  • SIG meetings continuing to cover some professional development topics like navigating LDP and Metadb, querying non-Roman scripts, intro to SQL, etc.
  • Have had some discussions amongst query development teams about how to organize work moving forward; will likely be focusing on developing our derived tables and documenting data model and database semantics for people trying to get up to speed on LDP
  • Have had some discussions about changes to FOLIO app data models that have an impact on reporting. We have seen situations where these changes don’t seem to be made with SME input and are not announced, which can cause breaking changes in reports. In many situations, reporting would prefer advanced warning of proposed changes to give a chance to weigh in or at least to be able to plan updates to reports that rely on these data elements. Discussions are happening in MM right now because of recent changes to SRS. This has also been mentioned to TC and Khalilah offered to think more about it, but we know that this issue affects reporting, API usage, app interactions, etc., so we would love to see more discussion about this amongst the governance groups.
  • Ongoing reminders for all FOLIO Participating Institutions
    • Reporting SIG is always recruiting new subject matter experts and report developers. Please contact Angela if you have staff who would be a good fit for reporting.

Metadata Management (Laura Daniels, Felix Hemme, Raegan Wiechert)

  • MM has had a couple different demos of Instance record deletion: one from MTSU (Middle Tennessee State University) using APIs and one from GBV using the Inventory update module (mod-inventory-update). Dependencies, especially those between Inventory and other apps, are a primary concern around deleting Instance records.
  • MM has reviewed ongoing quickMARC development of functionality for creating/editing/deleting MARC holdings (MFHD) records and working with MARC authority records
  • MM still would like a PC liaison
  • *Last week we discussed changes to property names in SRS (see and the impacts of changes like this on, for example, reporting. Discussion focused on need for better communication and better timing of communication about changes like this. Is this an issue for PC? TC? Both? See also the Reporting update above!

Consortia (Noah Brubaker)

  • A first round of input has been completed for needs related to a consortia admin tool and functions for a consortia admin user role.  The SIG is now mapping the functions to other related SIGs to determine requirements that can be met alongside other development and clarify pieces that would need to be addressed directly through the consortia SIG
  • A liaison list is being created to assist in initiating conversations between the consortia and other SIGs.  The group agreed that give the scope of consortia needs and current capacity, seeking to work with other SIGs to provide a consortia perspective on future functionality planning and linking efforts with other SIGs will be the best way move needs into development or to provide timely input when other SIGs may be considering functionality that also has a consortia relation.
  • We are beginning to arrange calls with guest speakers from other SIGs to join the group for discussion / sharing in another step toward further collaboration.

Accessibility (Beth German) 

  • SIG is looking for a new convener. Beth will be stepping down at the end of the year. Meetings will go into hiatus until a convener volunteers. 
  • Accessibility issues can still be addressed and discussed via the #accessibility channel.  
  • Ongoing accessibility work requires more capacity for writing test cases and reviewing accessibility but the SIG does not have this capacity at the moment.
  • Accessibility dashboard 

SysOps (Ingolf Kuss)

  • Anton Emelianov is attending the Support SIG, thank you Anton!
  • Anton participates in the Acceptance Criteria for Code Contributions working group, thank you again, Anton!
  • Working on Epic(s) and User Stories for the SysOps Operational Needs. Here is our super-ticket: ROAD-80
  • 1 planned session on WolfCon + 2 sessions with Technical Council

Implementers (Paula Sullenger)

  • Infrequent meetings due to lack of agenda items
    • No December meetings
  • Looking for a new convener
  • Known needs:
    • Documentation
    • Updated demos

Support (Anya Arnold and Debra Howell)


  • P4s after two releases are moved up to P3s. 
  • P3s after two releases are moved up to P2s. 
  • P2s after two releases are moved up to P1s. 

We need more folks joining the support sig.

Please add a "support" label to bugs that are logged

New chart on the support dashboard:

Privacy (Carsten Schwill and Adam Chandler)

The Privacy SIG finalized its charter and is presenting it to PC and TC.  It also continues to work on a recommended policy for handling personally identifiable information in log files.

Public Library (Adam Murray)

Meeting chat

09:35:14 From  Peter Murray  to  Everyone:
09:35:39 From  Charlotte Whitt  to  Everyone:
    Spokane Public Library will go live this month
09:36:02 From  Sharon Wiles-Young  to  Everyone:
    Thanks Charlotte for the update
09:37:36 From  Anya  to  Everyone:
    Universidad Adolfo Ibanez to go live in Jan
09:38:06 From  Anya  to  Everyone:
    Ah Peter - this is the one you are talking about - Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano
09:38:18 From  Anya  to  Everyone:
    Set to go live in April
09:38:43 From  Tod Olson  to  Everyone:
09:41:12 From  Harry Kaplanian  to  Everyone:
    IS there anyone that thinks we should not?
09:41:12 From  Anya  to  Everyone:
09:50:07 From  Tod Olson  to  Everyone:
    That sounds like an argument for soft deletes.
09:51:20 From  Charlotte Whitt  to  Everyone:
    Cross App Data Syncronization Use Cases -
09:59:25 From  Maura Byrne  to  Everyone:
09:59:50 From  Angela Zoss  to  Everyone:
    Sorry I could only come for a short time today - happy to follow up on my update via Slack or email!
10:06:53 From  Anya  to  Everyone:
    Woot Ian
10:12:40 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone:
    Apologies I can’t speak right now I think the PC should consider how we can best ensure that Folio is accessible as possible and continues to be so
10:14:10 From  Laura Daniels  to  Everyone:
    Ideally I would envision at least one member of each SIG be designated to keep track of and raise accessibility issues.
10:14:56 From  Jana Freytag  to  Everyone:
    +1 Laura and the same would be great for Privacy and Documentation needs
10:15:39 From  Maura Byrne  to  Everyone:
    +1 Jana
10:16:12 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone:
    Eg the TC review of modules includes the requirement of a statement about personal data with the module code
10:16:43 From  Jana Freytag  to  Everyone:
10:17:39 From  German, Elizabeth  to  Everyone:
    accessibility dashboard:
10:19:51 From  Tod Olson  to  Everyone:
    See also :
10:20:50 From  Aaron Trehub  to  Everyone:
    Have to leave for another meeting,
10:21:52 From  Kristin Martin  to  Everyone:
    ❤️Thank you for all of your work, Laura!
10:22:39 From  Charlotte Whitt  to  Everyone:
    Yes, big thank you Laura ❤️
10:25:49 From  Martina Schildt  to  Everyone:
    Thanks so much Laura �
10:38:08 From  Jana Freytag  to  Everyone:
10:39:01 From  German, Elizabeth  to  Everyone:
10:39:40 From  Björn Muschall  to  Everyone:
10:40:03 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone:
    Can we do more to promote this as opportunities to implementing sites?
10:41:52 From  Jana Freytag  to  Everyone:
    Thank you
10:44:22 From  Laura Daniels  to  Everyone:
10:44:31 From  Karen Newbery  to  Everyone:
    I thought it was one of my cats!
10:49:55 From  Björn Muschall  to  Everyone:
    +1 Owen
10:51:42 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone:
    +1 Björn
10:52:20 From  Laura Daniels  to  Everyone:
    I need to log out a few minutes early. ��
10:52:32 From  Jana Freytag  to  Everyone:
10:54:31 From  Kristin Martin  to  Everyone:
10:54:31 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone:
    Almost Xmas �
10:55:07 From  Charlotte Whitt  to  Everyone:
10:56:08 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone:
    I’ll definitely be closing down over Xmas
10:56:56 From  Ingolf Kuss  to  Everyone:

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