Kristin Martin, Anya, Jesse Koennecke, Kristin Martin, Philip Schreur, twliu, Christopher Spalding, Gang Zhou, Ian Walls, Jana Freytag, John Ballestro, Karen Newbery, Kirstin Kemner-Heek, Martina Schildt, Owen Stephens, Sharon Wiles-Young, Brooks Travis, Tod Olson, Paul Moeller, James Fuller
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5 min | Announcements | BugFest: FOLIO Bug Fest for Kiwi release R3 2021 from October 18th to October 29th.Please join us for the kick-off meeting on October 11th at 9AM EDT.We will review the process and tools to help everyone to be prepared for this event. Please monitor private channel channel for additional updates. Also, feel free to forward this information to people that may be interested to join our Bug Fest testing efforts.Meeting connection info: | |
15 min | Product Council: Roles and Norms Desired Outcomes:
| Kristin, Anya, Owen, and Brooks create the draft document. Rather than using Trello—and adding another tool for everyone to track—use the capabilities of Confluence to set agendas and track decisions. At the end of each PC, use some time for people to suggest new topics. An agenda-setting meeting will take the place of what PC Exec used to do; it will be an open meeting where the agenda is set but the topics themselves are not discussed. PC observed the struggles that TC had with recent decisions, including confusion about voting on Slack (are abstentions possible, how long should a vote be open). During the meeting, there was a discussion of how Voting/Decisions are made at PC, and that discussion is reflected in the "Roles and Norms" document. How do "lazy consensus" and voting interact? Can only elected members of the Product Council call for a vote on an otherwise lazy consensus decision? Should proxy votes be allowed?
It is an open question about how to establish representation with the other two councils and with the SIGs. Next step, create a table on the wiki to identify where overlaps and gaps exist now. Another future action item is to look at the reports that PC asks SIGs to make to ensure this is effective for both the SIGs and PC. | |
30 min | Strategic Initiatives Review FOLIO Vision, Strategic Objectives and Initiatives with Community Council assignments. Desired Outcomes:
| SysOps SIG is looking where there are issues with integrations that affect an institution's ability to adopt FOLIO and review this with the Implementors group; this feeds into the SWOT analysis, for instance. Could there be a survey that collects this information? Working through the Implementors group can try to catch sites that have implemented FOLIO but don't necessarily come to FOLIO meetings. Implement a documentation framework to be reviewed after the Documentation Working Group meeting. Provide sufficient documentation for implementers to set up and configure functional apps feeds into the desire to have a survey; will work with the implementer's group. Develop a support process within the community for FOLIO adopters is something the Support SIG is working on. Clearly document library requirements for performance is something that can be reviewed by Product Owners.
Measure implementers satisfaction is related to Develop an Implementers SWOT Analysis. Define and document FOLIO's scope of functionality is in discussion.
Revise the current ranking, prioritization, and staffing process has been talked about in the Capacity Planning group, including doing away with the current ranking structure. The people working on this should be aware of the next item: Ensure the roadmap includes longer term, architectural, and resource requirement considerations. We also want to look at how other open source projects gather requirements needs from a project's users. | |
20 min | What is the acceptable migration time frame for a release (continued from 2021-09-30)? Desired Outcomes: Discuss Questions and plan framework:
| Anya | Deferred to next meeting. |
15 min | Future Agenda topics collection | All | Continue looking at the strategic initiatives and what actions are needed to fulfill them. What is an acceptable migration process to a new release? How are we going to prioritize among the strategic initiatives identified in the plan? How related is the system performance question to the question of migration needs? Technical Council is thinking about the strategic initiatives in the near-term, medium-term, and long-term mindset. |