Q1. Should 650s' subfield v, x, y, z be controlled?
Original authority record questions
When adding local terms to non-local authority records, which is the more common use case:
Edit original non-local record and add local terms
Are these records differentiated from unmodified non-local records?
Copy original record, save as local record, add local terms
Copy original record, save as a local record, remove existing headings and replace with local heading
When a local authority record is created from existing non-local record, are the existing control number fields removed (such as the 010)?
Create upon import: Is it okay for now if new imported local authority records just have the 001 retained, as in current state?
This would mean, if we wanted to add the record to an authority file source, we'd need to add the prefix prior to import, or it would map to the "Not specified" authority file
Future meetings agenda items / Action items
quickMARC - change to entering subfields (UX?/POC?) - Discuss next steps
quickMARC Error Handling overview
MARC in FOLIO features table: Update table to include JIRA links to provide more details. (KG)
MARC in FOLIO: Create a view that helps to answer this question - Can you implement today? (KG)