Linking/Updating MARC bib field(s) to MARC authority record(s)

WorkflowFeedback (please prepend with initials) Notes

Single record import workflow 

Manual workflow: Link MARC bib field to a MARC authority record

NS: Looks good, though Duke uses OCLC Connexion to link bibs to ARs and relies on our authority control vendor to provide URIs.  The scale of our cataloging is too big, to do this linking manually or to require it as a step in copy cataloging.

Manual workflow: Link all MARC bib fields to MARC authority records

NS: Same comments as for manually linking one field.

Manual workflow: Update MARC authority record and update linked MARC bib

NS:  Looks good, though Duke would almost certainly continue to update authority records only at LC/PCC level and rely on a vendor to reconcile changed headings in bib.  In other words, a manual workflow isn't something we are likely to do.