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RA-Requests Cluster Prototype

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API reference documentation for all modules located at:

*This report gives a count of patron requests placed by request type, material type (if needed), patron group, fulfillment preference (pick-up vs. delivery), owning location, and pick-up or delivery location

Report Description Detail

  • This report is modeled on UXPROD-2029, a cluster of Resource Access reports currently consisting of a single report (REP-143) on count of patron requests placed by request type, patron group, patron status, fulfillment preference (pick-up vs. delivery), owning location, and pick-up location , that is run as needed.

Data fields

  • Date range, request type, material type, patron group,  fulfillment preference (pick-up vs. delivery), owning location, pick-up location.

Report Criteria

  • Within a specified date range, provides a count of patron requests placed by request type, material type, patron group, fulfillment preference (pick-up vs. delivery), owning location, and pick-up location.


  • Date range, owning (permanent) location.

Report example: Requests Cluster Prototype report_ Request by Type FY20.xlsx

Voyager report example: Report for number of requests filled, by library and type of request.pdf

Folio Attribute (Module/Path:Object)Folio Data Element DescriptionParameters/Query

Table name: mod-circulation-storage/request-storage/requests

Request ID (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/ID)ID of the requestProvides the unique counter for the report (total count of unique request IDS by date is the sum of all requests for that time period)
Item ID (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/itemID)ID of the item requestedProvides a join between mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items
Delivery address type ID (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/deliveryAddressTypeID)ID of the type of delivery address (provides a service delivery check; items can only be delivered to addresses with specific IDs, such as those with faculty office IDs)Provides a join between mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests and mod-users/addressTypes
Pickup service point ID (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/pickupServicePointID)ID of the pickup service pointProvides a join between mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests and mod-inventory-storage/service-point/service-points
Requester ID (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/requesterID)ID of the patron making the requestProvides a join between mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests and mod-users/users
Request type (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/requestType)The type of request (hold, recall, etc.)needed for report stats
Request date (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/requestDate)Date the patron sent in the requestneeded for report filter
Status of the request (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/status)Status of the request: there are currently 8 request status values in the LPD, such as Open - Awaiting pickup,  Open - Awaiting delivery", Closed - Filled, etc.needed for report filter
Fulfillment preference (mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests/fulfilmentPreference)How the request should be fulfilled (e.g, hold on shelf, delivery, etc.)Needed for report stats
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/service-point/service-points

Pickup service point ID (mod-inventory-storage/service-point/service-points/ID)ID of the pickup service pointProvides a join between mod-inventory-storage/service-point/service-points and mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests
Pickup service point location name (mod-inventory-storage/service-point/service-points/name)name of pick up locationNeeded for report stats
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items

Item ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/ID)The inventory ID of the itemProvides a join between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests
Item permanent location ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/permanentLocationID)

Item's permanent location ID

Provides  a join between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-inventory-storage/locations

Material Type ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/materialTypeID)

ID of the material type

Provides  a join between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-inventory-storage/material-types

Table name: mod-users/addressTypes

Delivery address type ID (mod-users/addressTypes/addresstype/ID)This type of ID must match with the type of address ID where deliveries are allowedProvides a join between mod-users/addressTypes and mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests
address type name (mod-users/addressTypes/addresstype/name)Name of the address typeExample: non-primary, work
address type description (mod-users/addressTypes/addresstype/desc)Description of the address typeExample: faculty office
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/material-types

(mod-inventory-storage/material-types/ID)The material type ID of the itemProvides a join between mod-inventory-storage/material-types and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items
Material Type Name (mod-inventory-storage/material-types/name) Name of the material type (e.g., book, DVD, etc.)Needed for report stats
Table name: mod-users/users

User ID (mod-users/users/ID)The ID of the user making the requestProvides a join between mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans and mod-user/users
User patron group ID (mod-users/users/patronGroup)Patron group id of the userUser (patron) group id, to identify patron group name from groups table (e.g., grad student, faculty, staff, etc.)
Table name: mod-users/groups

User patron group ID (mod-users/groups/ID)Patron group id of the userProvides a join between mod-users/groups and mod-user/users
User patron group name (mod-users/groups/name)Patron group name of the userType of patron (user), e.g., grad student, faculty, staff, etc.
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/locations

Permanent location ID (mod-inventory-storage/locations/ID)ID of the permanent locationProvides a join between mod-inventory-storage/locations and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items
Permanent location name (mod-inventory-storage/locations/name)

Name of permanent location

This provides the main location filter  for this report.

An example report may look like this (also see attached reports) above:

Owning LibraryPickup locationTotalHoldRecallFaculty requestGrad student requestUndergrad requestType: MonographType: Book
Law Circ GroupUris Circulation89809404902276
Law Circ GroupVet Circulation12102561111
Law Circ GroupAfricana Circulation41322004

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