Today's note-takers: Team Leads for project updates
Updates from Various Reporting Related Groups and Efforts
Community & Coordination, Reporting Subgroup Leads
Project updates
The Reporting SIG is using small working groups to address priorities and complete our work. Each week, we will provide updates to the Reporting SIG from these various reporting-related groups and efforts. Please include updates on specific JIRA issues for prototype or query development workflow. Do we need to create any additional JIRA tickets?
Community & Coordination:
no meeting this week
met with leads of working groups
working on getting Microsoft Access to work for Postgres version of LDP; error on ways tables connect to one another (UUDs are too long for Access to handle); Access only connects tables on integers; Nassib programmed in dummy tables as integer identifiers to make this work ("sk" surrogate key) makes the Access Visual SQL Editor work
Access does not connect to RedShift
may need to be some parallel work for institutions requiring Access
Interlibrary (ILL) Loan and Borrow Direct (BD) Integrations Update
Elena, Vandana
We'll discuss options and recommendations for integrating Interlibrary Loan (ILL) into your library system, with a focus on how that impacts developing queries for reports.
ReShare presented in Consortia by Kristen Wilson. Currently using NCIP protocol, has potential to be used between FOLIO libraries for intraconsortial borrowing. Plans to have its own LDP for reporting in the future. It is more designed to be the handshake between systems, rather than extensive reach within FOLIO. Discovery layer independent/agnostic - currently working with VuFind. Identifying NCIP record creation and editing/updating may be a way that several libraries will be able to track ILL activity within FOLIO.
Several institutions responded to Elena's questions about what what ILL means to their institution (how they currently manage ILL). A compilation of all responses (ILL_discussion_notes.pdf) has been attached to all the ILL REP issues, so that report writers can refer to them while developing queries. Almost all institutions manage ILL somewhat differently, but a common feature is the use of an outside system for ILL such as OCLC or ILLiad, at times a linkage to the home system, and the creation of a dummy or psuedu-patron account/marker that links to the item loaned out from the home library, so that it shows as checked out. In some cases, this is also created for items borrowed (Chicago creates bib and item records for borrowed items). A lot of the annual statistics are generated from the external system. For FOLIO reporting, ILL counts will depend on each institution's data integration with it's chosen external ILL systems. Currently, the best we can do is based on Nassib's suggestion of a 'example' university library: we assume a format of data integration, and write a query based on that format. For example, we assume that institutions will create a pseudo-borrower code that is linked to FOLIO, so that the patron record will reflect that it is an ILL loan, and we will base ILL reporting on this configuration. As institutions go live with FOLIO, they can customize their queries for ILL.
Categorizing Reports in External Statistics, Import/Export, and Consortia
We'll review reports that have been categorized as External Statistics to move them into existing Reporting Subgroups for development. Import/Export and Consortia Reports also need to be reviewed this way.
Recategorize Import and Export REP Issues
Recategorize External Statistics REP Issues
Additional Topics?
Schedule "Quick Demo" meeting for Reporting Tools Analysis