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2022-03-28 Meeting notes

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  • Meeting on April 6th is cancelled

  • Next topics
    1. Permissions
      1. field based → walk through where needed?
    2. searching in FOLIO - ERM SIG started to collect areas of improvement - of Interest for all apps? - consistency when filtering ...
      1. save searches/filters and apply them in one click
    3. ACQ units in ERM

Discussion items

  1. Video tutorials for cross-app workflows (in addition to tutorials for individual apps)
    1. collect workflows of interest
    2. who can record tutorials
    3. SIG conveners/POs to take request back to SIGs?


  • ACQ SIG plans to record short video tutorials on specific functions, e.g. create a POL, link a POL to an invoive line
  • is that something that we want for cross-app workflows as well?
    • those tutorials would be helpful
  • who can record tutorials?
    • Laura: not responsibility of this group
    • workflows relate to functional areas
  • Laura: how we keep them current; when there is so much that is still changing
    • it is much easier to update written documentation; and that is hard enough
  • Dennis: it should be clear which version's they represent
    • some people would be more comfortable with writing docuemntation than recording tutorials
    • a lot of people ask for tutorials
    • informal video content would be sufficient; low barrier;
    • version needs to be mentioned at the beginning
    • keep the video short
    • pick one of the identified functions to be recorded
  • Jana: how do we envision cross-app workflows to be recorded?
    • workflows are different
  • Martina: whole workflows are more difficult to maintain
    • if one small part changes, the whole recording would need to be repeated
    • cross-app tutorial: link Inventory instance to POL
  • Dennis: there could be overlaps; but at least there would be video documentation
    • 2-3 minute video
  • Lloyd in chat: Maybe the role of App Interaction could be to define what inter-app topics need videos rather than making them. People in the SIGs could make them as Laura suggested.
  • Dennis: make it as easy as possible
    • get few guidelines in place
    • people could use own You Tube channel; would just need tags
  • Laura in chat: I like the wiki as the place for user-contributed documentation
  • Martina: in GBV we record our demos when training the library staff
    • those are in German
    • very long tutorials
    • alternative would be to shorten them and split them down; but htat is a lot of work
  • Jana in chat: We could also make videos without talking over them for a broader language audience
  • Owen: could have subtitles
  • Dennis: key thing of managing: what would be good videos to have
    • it does not matter if we have multiple videos per topics
  • Martina: we record in one training the configuring of the systems; settings of users, agreements, organizations etc.
    • in another video we demo the app itself: agreements, users, organizations
    • we could share them; but they are not rewatched
    • I do not have the time and do not want to watch myself again; so I do not rewatch the recording, it is just send to the participants
  • Dennis: the libraries that we train, the ycould learn by recording tutorials
  • Laura: sharing the demos, even in German, can have added value
    • it is helpful to learn about other institutions implementation and training decisions
    • Erin has created a page where information ilke this can be added
  • Jana in chat: Community Contributed Resources
  • Jana in chat: Who would provide the frame work and maintain  and distribute the videos?
    Which group would do this? Community Outreach SIG, PC, AI?
  • Dennis have a specific group consider that framework etc.
  • Laura in chat: we might need a documentation SIG -- there is currently a documentation working group focused on, but not a full SIG
    • Jana in chat: +1 Laura!
  • Owen in chat: What’s the difference between a SIG and WG in this case?
  • a working group is more temporary; it reports to a SIG
  • Dennis: would not want to put this on top of the work that the docuemntatin group already has
    • lower barrier
  • for ACQ SIG it will be a wiki page; to collect the topics
  • Martina will create a wiki page for cross-app topics
  • SIG conveners will take the idea of collecting topics to the relevant SIGs
  • important: make the tutorials discoverable
  • Jana: in RA there was a discussion on the new page for OLF recordings; it would be helpful to structure videos by topics
    • e.g. Erin gave a good demo of permissions


Von mir an alle 06:03 PM
Link to agenda: 
Von Laura an alle 06:10 PM
camera off while I finish my lunch
Von Owen Stephens an alle 06:14 PM
I raised a lot of the same concerns in the Acqusitions SIG when discussing this, and I think the general feeling of that meeting was what Dennis just said - despite the issues these would be highly valued by the users
Von Laura an alle 06:14 PM
I like the compromise approach Dennis is suggesting
Von Owen Stephens an alle 06:14 PM
I think the sort of guidelines that Dennis is outlining (which we didn’t discuss in the Acq SIG) are a good idea

Von Jana Freytag an alle 06:18 PM
I have to turn off my camera, 
Von Lloyd (Marmot Library Network) an alle 06:18 PM
Maybe the role of App Interaction could be to define what inter-app topics need videos rather than making them. People in the SIGs could make them as Laura suggested.

Von Laura an alle 06:23 PM
I like the wiki as the place for user-contributed documentation

Von Jana Freytag an alle 06:24 PM
We could also make videos without talking over them for a broader language audience

Von Owen Stephens an alle 06:30 PM
I think you are right that having that list would give much more concrete view of where we need to go
And there are at least 5 different ways to create an agreement line …!

Von Jana Freytag an alle 06:34 PM
Who would provide the frame work and maintain  and distribute the videos?
Which group would do this? Community Outreach SIG, PC, AI?

I really like the idea :D

Community Contributed Resources

Von Laura an alle 06:37 PM
we might need a documentation SIG -- there is currently a documentation working group focused on, but not a full SIG
Von Jana Freytag an alle 06:38 PM
+1 Laura!

Von Owen Stephens an alle 06:41 PM
What’s the difference between a SIG and WG in this case?

Von Laura an alle 06:51 PM
maybe we should set up a recording "studio" for wolfcon 🙂
Von mir an alle 06:52 PM
Yes, love that idea :)
Von Dennis Bridges an alle 06:52 PM
Very cool idea 🙂




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Ann-Marie Breaux


Brooks Travis


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Dennis Bridges


regretsDung-Lan ChenSkidmore College

Gill Osguthorpe

UX/UI Designer - K-Int


Heather McMillan Thoele


Ian Ibbotson

Developer Lead - K-Int


Jana Freytag

VZG, Göttingen

Khalilah Gambrell


Kirstin Kemner-Heek  

VZG, Göttingen


Kristin Martin



Laura Daniels



Lloyd Chittenden

Marmot Library Network


Martina Schildt

VZG, Göttingen


Martina Tumulla

hbz, Cologne


Maura Byrne


Mike Gorrell

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Owen Stephens

Product Owner -  Owen Stephens Consulting

Patty Wanninger


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