Example: Chalmers has a serial with no items, only 1 holding noting the different serial years. At the moment the patron must request a specific year via an email outside of FOLIO.
Discussed issue in EDS, where 400+ items doesn't display very well in RTAC. So sometimes you don't want to display all the items.
Should this be worked on outside of FOLIO/with the discovery interface?
Discussed RTAC, can RTAC pass holdings information?
It can pass some fields (Holdings Permanente location)
Is there anything we need to add to RTAC to make it easier for discovery systems to offer request it for inventory with no items, just holdings?
EBSCO has reporting having issues with the RTAC but we don't know what those are.
Allow title level/item level request depending on instance type.
Example instance types: multi items with enumeration vs multi items with no enumeration
Should this be worked on outside of FOLIO/with the discovery interface?
Discussed Discovery system's ability to handle really large items
Should we add this to the list?
For example, Boulder has a record Colorado Revised Statues with 1,600+ items.
See number of unfilled requests
Is this a separate call to the RTAC api to see how many requests are out there?
Important for Public libraries where popular titles can have long waitlists. Example from Albuquerque Catalog.
Display adjusted item statuses
Similar issue in the Patron api, solution thought of was to provide through RTAC the ID of the status and the text of the default language in the FOLIO system so any discovery system could offer users the ability to translate on the discovery side.