This may influence the question of how often we will meet "synchronously" (weekly - bi-weekly - on-demand)
Approaching a platform-minimum set of modules
Ian & Jeremy
Notes from last week's meeting:
encourage modularity and clean dependencies (moving towards independently-installable Apps)
reduce dependency on single-server install method
build towards docker-compose or helm deployment without manual intervention
have a FOLIO that can be deployed on commodity hardware (for developers)
not a point to sell to librarians; audiences: vendors, developers, possibly folks outside the library world
This topic was also mentioned in the Data Migration Meeting (January 10th); Notes from that meeting:
Dale encourages a discussion on this and to proceed in this direction. Single Server installation is not being supported anymore. An installation of platform-complete is becoming increasingly difficult.
Use cases for platform-minimum: test environments, developer environments
What is the status of the Terraform solution (→ Anton). Stanislaw is not on the project, anymore. Is the Terraform solution being supported for the current releases (Juniper/Kiwi) ? Anton was interested in promoting that but it didn't go anywhere .
Dale: A one-Click installation on-premise (Kubernetes based). This is highly desirable to have. Someone package up the system as it and then install it. Then use it as a test system.