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Thunderjet - Quality Metrics

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The question is - how will we know that the overall quality of the software in Acquisition & Finance domain is gradually improving as we implement our ideas? This requires metrics that characterize the state of A&F, and of particular importance is the understanding of these metrics in dynamics, over several release cycles. So, what metric can be used?

This Thunderjet - Bugs metrics Jira dashboard provides a lot of interesting statistics in terms of bugs and bugs reported in the Jira tracking system.

So, the following metrics are proposed:

MetricSense / ExpectationsSourceFrequency of collection / analysis

Number of bugs including their priority

expectation is zero P1Jira dashboardonce per sprint
Number of overall detected bugs by priorities and releasesthe expected trend is to reduce the total number of bugs from release to release while reducing the priority of identified bugsJira dashboardonce per release
Number of bugs escaped into Production

the expected trend is to minimize and even avoid P1/P2 bugs in Production (P3 is acceptable); Production bugs are those which have RRT or Support label

Jira dashboardonce per release
Number of occurrences (similar bugs reported by different customers)
FSE / Rally log, as a part of RCAonce per release

Average time of bug fixing

there does not seem to be any SLA in this area yet, so the expected trend is to decrease this time as a result of improved tools for troubleshooting and analysismanually, by the special scriptonce per release

No performance degradation from release to release

no Baseline metrics in this area; there are only measurements for exporting orders in Edifact format (Morning Glory -> Nolana - it got better)

Action item: contact PTF, write performance tests, organize and load test against a set of scenarios in Orchid to get baseline values

performance testingonce per release


Sprint 160




Number of overall detected bugs by priorities and releases

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

  • No labels