import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { get } from 'lodash'; import jobPropTypes from '../Jobs/components/Job/jobPropTypes'; import jobLogPropTypes from '../JobLogs/jobLogPropTypes'; import { PROCESSING_IN_PROGRESS, PROCESSING_FINISHED, PARSING_IN_PROGRESS, } from '../Jobs/jobStatuses'; import { DataFetcherContextProvider } from './DataFetcherContext'; const DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 5000; class DataFetcher extends Component { static propTypes = { children: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node), PropTypes.node, ]).isRequired, mutator: PropTypes.shape({ jobs: PropTypes.shape({ GET: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }).isRequired, logs: PropTypes.shape({ GET: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }).isRequired, }).isRequired, resources: PropTypes.shape({ jobs: PropTypes.shape({ records: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ jobExecutionDtos: PropTypes.arrayOf(jobPropTypes).isRequired, }), ).isRequired, }), logs: PropTypes.shape({ records: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ logs: PropTypes.arrayOf(jobLogPropTypes).isRequired, }), ).isRequired, }), }).isRequired, updateInterval: PropTypes.number, // milliseconds }; static defaultProps = { updateInterval: DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL, }; static manifest = Object.freeze({ jobs: { type: 'okapi', path: `metadata-provider/jobExecutions?query=(status=("${PROCESSING_IN_PROGRESS}" OR "${PROCESSING_FINISHED}" OR "${PARSING_IN_PROGRESS}"))`, accumulate: true, throwErrors: false, }, logs: { type: 'okapi', path: 'metadata-provider/logs?landingPage=true', accumulate: true, throwErrors: false, }, }); state = { contextData: {}, }; componentDidMount() { this.setInitialState(); this.getResourcesData(); this.updateResourcesData(); } componentWillUnmount() { clearInterval(this.intervalId); } render() { const { children } = this.props; const { contextData } = this.state; return ( <DataFetcherContextProvider value={contextData}> {children} </DataFetcherContextProvider> ); } updateResourcesData() { const { updateInterval } = this.props; this.intervalId = setInterval(this.getResourcesData, updateInterval); } setInitialState() { const { mutator } = this.props; const initialContextData = {}; Object.keys(mutator) .forEach(resourceName => { initialContextData[resourceName] = { hasLoaded: false, }; }); this.setState({ contextData: initialContextData, }); } getResourcesData = async () => { const { mutator } = this.props; const fetchResourcesPromises = Object.values(mutator) .reduce((res, resourceMutator) => { return res.concat(this.getResourceData(resourceMutator)); }, []); try { await Promise.all(fetchResourcesPromises); this.mapResourcesToState(); } catch (e) { // TODO: should be described in UIDATIMP-53 } }; async getResourceData({ GET, reset }) { // accumulate: true in manifest saves the results of all requests // because of that it is required to clear old data by invoking reset method before each request reset(); await GET(); } mapResourcesToState() { const { resources } = this.props; const contextData = {}; Object.entries(resources) .forEach(([resourceName, resourceValue]) => { contextData[resourceName] = { hasLoaded: true, itemsObject: get(resourceValue, ['records', 0], {}), }; }); this.setState({ contextData, }); } } export default DataFetcher;
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