note - this document is in draft status
if you have questions, please contact (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifeewho is working on it
FOLIO offers an integrated permissions system that is configurable and very granular.
Each app provides its own permissions that are defined in the app's front-end and back-end modules.
FOLIO users can also build their own permission sets (groups of permissions) and assign those permission sets to FOLIO users. This can be very helpful in setting up individual system roles configured to individual library needs.
Naming Conventions
Permissions are named to indicate what a FOLIO user with the permission can do within the app.
Permissions are named in the following format:
- [Appname]: [What the user can do]
- Settings ([Appname]): [What the user can do]
Examples of permissions (current to Honeysuckle - Q32020):
That permission isn't named that way...
If a permission is not named following the standard naming convention, the most likely reason is that that permission is currently being worked on / developed by the developer team for that app. FOLIO product owners work with developers to request specific permissions be added to the code, and also to ensure the permissions are eventually named correctly.
If you have questions about a particular app permission, reaching out to the associated SIG or product owner is the right thing to do.
Permission example (screenshot) | What this permission does |
| |
How to find permission information in a FOLIO module
It can be helpful, if you are not sure what a permission does, to examine information about the permission in the associated code in the FOLIO github repository.
How to find this information can vary by module, but general guidelines are as follows:
- For a UI module (named starting with UI-), look for a file called package.json, md.json, module-descriptor.json, or module-descriptor-template.json in the repository.
- For a backend module (generally starting with MOD-), look for a file called module-descriptor.json or module-descriptor-template.json in the repository.
Permissions are usually defined towards the bottom of the descriptor file. Here are some examples of what a permission definition looks like.
Things to note:
- A permission or permission set must have the attribute "visible": true in order to
- Show up in the Users App for the assign permissions workflow;
- Show up in Settings → Users → Permission sets to be assigned to a user-created permission set for a particular FOLIO tenant.
Frequent Workflows
How do I assign permissions to a user in FOLIO?
See Assigning Permissions and Permissions Sets
How do I remove permissions from a user in FOLIO?
See Removing Permissions and Permissions Sets
How do I create my own permission sets in FOLIO?
See Settings - Users - Permissions Sets
Resources for More Exploration
FOLIO permission model (platform-level discussion)
Releases Home - search for release notes from current and past FOLIO releases to review permissions information and changes over time
Current Permissions Documentation by App Area - this is a Google sheet, maintained by individual product owners as permissions are added to apps they are responsible for.