A Service point is FOLIO terminology for a library staff location.
A Service point is needed when you want to have at least one of the following services available:
- Patrons need to be able to request items to be delivered to that location for them;
- Patrons need to be able to request items to be held at that location for them;
- Patrons need to be able to check out books;
- Patrons need to be able to return books;
- Items need to be ordered for that location; (is this correct?)
- Items need to be put in transit to that location;
- Fines need to be charged for transactions that occur at that location;
- any others
Service points may or may not be library locations that provide service to the public.
Service point configuration options include:
- Name
- Code
- Discovery Display Name
- Description
- Shelving Lag Time
- Pickup Location (Yes/No)
- Print by Default options for Hold, Requests, Transit.
Considerations when setting up Service Points.
- Creating a Service Point will create an associated Calendar with the same name. The calendar is where you update opening and closing hours for that service point.
- Every location needs an associated service point in order to manage items at that location. Therefore, you should create your desired service points before creating your location hierarchy.
- Staff who use the Check-In and Check-Out app must have a service point assigned to them in their user record. Also Users? For Fines?
There is no default search function in the GUI for searching for Service Points