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Acquisitions Orders Module

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This module provides the ability to create and manage purchase orders for the purpose of acquiring both print and electronic resources.


Attached below you will find a data-flow model that describes what data is being passed between this module and other modules within FOLIO. You will also find an Entity Relationship Diagram that illustrates what specific data elements are being stored in this module and what data elements are being retrieved from other modules. Finally, there is a mockup of what fields the edit/create order screen may contain. 

Interface fields:

Data elementAccordionPhysical resource
(creates 1 line item)
(creates 1 line item)
One-time orderOngoing orderRepeatable?SearchableFilter on this?Can Edit Once OpenHardcoded/Editable?Description (DRAFT)ValuesCommentsPast Note
Purchase Order

assigned_toPurchase OrderYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNNYYAPIUser assigned responsibility for the orderThis is user name as provided by user module
A-M: only needed if separate approval step, or always needed?
createdPurchase OrderYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNYY (by date range)Ndatedate the order was created

created_byPurchase OrderYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNYYNAPIuser tha created the orderThis is user name as provided by user module

notesPurchase OrderYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYNNYeditableNotes related to the order as a whole

po_numberPurchase OrderYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNYNNsystem default, but editableOrder number generated by the system or added by the user

A-M: system assigned default, or library can specify; have system-level settings that allow for single-line or multi-line PO preferences - system will use this to link PO's in some situations eg. reorder
prefixPurchase OrderYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNYYNControlled Vocab

suffixPurchase OrderYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNYYN

workflow_statusPurchase OrderYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNYYhardcodedPending, open or closed. These describe the general state of the order in it's lifecycle
Pending, Open, Closed

Pending, open, (cancelled, fulfilled - These statuses will be replaced by "Closed" and allow the user to select a reason).
reason_for_closurePurchase OrderYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYNYNhardcodedA description of why the order is in the 'Closed' status.Ceased, Transferred to another publisher, Merged with another title, Split into other titles, Lack of funds, Lack of use, Duplication, Unresponsive vendor, Licensing terms (unacceptable), Low quality, Unpreferred format, Error, title won’t be published this year, title won’t be published, title is out of print, title received as a gift
Ceased, Transferred to another publisher, Merged with another title, Split into other titles, Lack of funds, Lack of use, Duplication, Unresponsive vendor, Licensing terms (unacceptable), Low quality, Unpreferred format, Error, title won’t be published this year, title won’t be published, title is out of print, title received as a gift
Yes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNNNNcheckboxManual orders are not included in any automated communication with vendors

checkbox; if checked, excludes the PO from any automated functionality, including being sent to the Vendor electronically; review later on in the interface
acquisitions_unit (formerly owner, team)Purchase OrderYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNYYNhardcodedWhich acquisitions unit (Team) owns this order (and is responsible for dealing with its distribution).

Which acquisitions unit (Team) owns this order (and is responsible for dealing with its distribution).
approvedPurchase Order SummaryYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNYNcheckboxIndicates that an order has been approved by a user with the authority.

A-M: have option for automatic approval, if no separate approving step required
approvedByPurchase Order SummaryYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNNNAPIThis captures the user who actually approved the order

This captures the user who actually approved the order
date_orderedPurchase OrderYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNYY (maybe by date range?)NdateThis marks the date and time that the purchase order was openned/sent or placed with the vendor

This marks the date and time that the purchase order was openned/sent or placed with the vendor
order_typePurchase OrderYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNYNhardcoded

One-Time, On-Going, (On-Going Re-encumber?)
How do we accomodate the need to re-encumber or not in certain situations. Could it be on-going re-order or on-going standing-order?
re-encumberPurchase OrderYes, requiredYes, requiredN/AYes, requiredNNYNBooleanIndicates that the order should be re-encumbered in the next fiscal year if open during rollover.Boolean (Default is unchecked)indicates this purchase order should be re-encumbered each fiscal year. Only applies to ongoing orders
Bill toPurchase OrderoptionaloptionaloptionaloptionalNNNNAPIThis list of addresses found in folio settings describe where the library can be billed.
In the UI the will be a "lookup" plugin. Will need some way to populate a defaultThis list of addresses should be found in folio ideally a location where you can find. - If that is the case it will be a reference to a uuid else where in the system
Ship toPurchase OrderoptionaloptionaloptionaloptionalNNNYAPIThis list of addresses found in folio settings describe where the library intends to receive the goods.
In the UI the will be a "lookup" plugin. Will need some way to populate a defaultThis list of addresses should be found in folio ideally a location where you can find. - If that is the case it will be a reference to a uuid else where in the system
templatePurchase OrderoptionaloptionaloptionaloptionalNNNNeditableTemplate the pre populates order fields for the user

manual_renewalPurchase Order - Ongoing (Renewals)Yes, optionalYes, optionalNot neededYes, optionalNNYNcheckboxIndicates that a user must contact the vendor in order to acquire material for another term.

renewal_datePurchase Order - Ongoing (Renewals)Yes, optionalYes, optionalNot neededYes, optionalNNY (maybe by date range?)Neditabledate renewal was confirmed by vendor or sent to vendor

Date by which user must decied to renew or not (Soemtimes talked about as a cancellation deadline)
review_periodPurchase Order - Ongoing (Renewals)Yes, optionalYes, optionalNot neededYes, optionalNNYNeditableTime prior to renewal where changes can be made to subscription

Time prior to renewal where changes can be made to subscription
renewal_intervalPurchase Order - Ongoing (Renewals)Yes, optionalYes, optionalNot neededYes, requiredNNNNCalculatedTerm of the renewal for which the lirary will be sent or have access to material at the end of which they will need to renew in or to acquire material for another term.

George: most renewals are annual (e.g. Jan-Dec, July-June, Oct-Sept, or irregular). Should this be subscription_interval? Possibly can be removed as subscription detail lives in the pol
reviewDatePurchase Order - Ongoing (Renewals)Yes, optionalYes, optionalNot neededYes, optionalNNNYDateOn this date the user will be notified that they are able to renewDate pickerCould be used to trigger a notification or flag to remind user to review order (Not required)
SubscriptionPurchase Order - Ongoing (Renewals)Yes, optionalYes, optionalNot neededYes, optionalNNYNBooleanIndicates that this order will require renewal
Indicates that this ongoing order is also a subscription order which can include more detail:
Renewal Interval (Required for Subscriptions, number of days)
Subscription term end date (Previously labeled "Renewal date", Required for Subscriptions, date picker)
Review period (Number of days)
Manually renews (Boolean, Default unchecked)

vendor (Use Existing Vendor)Purchase Order SummaryYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNYNAPIName of the vendor that will fill this order
Start with filter by vendor, not search; see if we need to add search in the futureThis should be at the PO level, not PO Line level
total_itemsPurchase Order SummaryYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNNNnumberTotal number of items in order based on POL quatity information

Stacks: No PO with 0 items
total_estimated_pricePurchase Order SummaryYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNNNnumbertotal estimated price of order based the sum of POL cost information

Stacks: Can have N/A price or 0.
Purchase Order Line

currencyCost DetailsYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNNNcurrency codeCurrency in which cost information is reported

Currency options are controlled by the currencies allowed for the vendor. Make sure the system could encumber in one currency and pay in a different currency. Use the ISO currency codes.
list_priceCost DetailsYes, requiredN/AYes, requiredYes, requiredNNNNnumberUnit price of material

A-M: maybe add separate field for estimated net price? Use est net price for encumbrance. Est net price is calculated based on vendor discount/added fee percentages and the quantity. List price stays list price and is needed for informational and reporting. (I want to compare my final payment against list price)
list_price_electronicCost DetailsN/AYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNNNnumberUnit price of electronic material

A-M: maybe add separate field for estimated net price? Use est net price for encumbrance. Est net price is calculated based on vendor discount/added fee percentages and the quantity. List price stays list price and is needed for informational and reporting. (I want to compare my final payment against list price)
quantity_physicalCost DetailsYes, required
Yes, requiredYes, requiredNNNNnumberNumber of units being ordered

quantity_electronicCost Details
Yes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNNNnumberNumber of units being ordered

Ideally has an expanded view for detailed numbers
additional_costCost DetailsOptionalOptionalOptionalOptionalNNNNnumberLump sum that is added to the total estimated cost - not affected by discount

Lump sum that is added to the total estimated cost - not affected by discount
discountCost DetailsOptionalOptionalOptionalOptionalNNNNnumberPercentage or amount that is subtracted from the list price time quatities calculation before additional cost

Percentage or amount that is subtracted from the list price time quatities calculation before additional cost
po_line_estimated_priceCost DetailsCalculatedCalculatedCalculatedCalculatedNNNNCalculatedCalculated total cost of the purchase order line material

is this actually needed? we have a total at the PO level, and we have quantity at the line - should this be changed to estimated_price?
access_providere-resource_detailsNot neededYes, requiredYes, optionalYes, optionalNNYNPopulated by list of Vendors (with 'access provider' boolean = true)Supplier for the electronic content. Defaults to order vendor, unless library changes.

Supplier for the electronic content. Defaults to order vendor, unless library changes. Free text field for now
activation_duee-resource_detailsNot neededYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNNNYnumberNumber days after order when the resource should be activated - could be recurring).

(# days after order when the resource should be activated - could be recurring). Does this trigger a claim or needs attn on acq dashboard? George: what if activation is being handled outside of FOLIO? Does this activation type info need to be coordinated with the ERM work that the RM/Frontside folks are maybe handling? Does this really need to be part of the order? George & Steve: could be helpful, will vary by vendor; shouldn't be required
activatede-resource_detailsNot neededYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNNYYcheckboxThe status of the resource - has it been activated on the platform.

The status of the resource - has it been activated on the platform? Does this really need to be part of the order? Part of workflow app or ERM? If the resource has already been activated by the point of order, then suppress activation_due.
create_inventorye-resource_detailsYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNNNNSelectlistDescribes how this POL will interact with inventory records for each material type

Relates to local inventory; needs more clarification with regards to how metadata for eContent will be handled: KB, local inventory, or both? Would this apply to ALL order lines, if we don't require creating inventory for physical materials any more?
expected_activatione-resource_detailsNot neededYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNNY (maybe by date range too?)Ydateif you have been given an expected activation date by the vendor, you can use this date field to note it.
Start with filter only, per Aliaksei; see if we actually need a search in the futureif you have been given an expected activation date by the vendor, you can use this date field to note it.  Link the 3 "activation" fields to each other and make them optional. Be very clear in FOLIO docs as to which fields will trigger notification to the library. Having 2 different fields may allow for monitoring and reporting of vendor responsiveness
triale-resource_detailsNot neededYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNNYNcheckboxIdentifies whether this is or included a trial or not.

checkbox for whether this is a trial or not. Would you even build a PO if it was a trial? Per Steve: would build a PO but not encumber any funds, if they will probably buy it. Per George: they may trial lots of stuff, but not order; would not enter order until after trial. Does this really need to be part of the order? Part of workflow app or ERM? Would it need an action date to go with it? (make decision at end of trial period to finalize/send a real order or close the order)
licensee-resource_detailsMaybeYes, requiredYes, optionalYes, optionalYNN (would like to filter by orders that do or do not have filters)Nlink

link to a license ID or doc (licenses will be in separate app)
material_type_ee-resource_detailsYes, optionalYes, requiredYes, optionalYes, optionalNNYNAPIControlled vocabulary taken from the inventory app the identifies the type of material for each format of material being acquiredReferrence Inventory module material types
maybe this becomes po_line level; use for specific format info (e.g. for sound recordings: streaming, LP, CD) for textual: book, journal, eBook, eJournal, manuscript; have a default list, but allow the library to change the default list
user_limite-resource_detailsNot neededYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYNN (may want to fitler by range)NnumberNumber of user that will be able to access concurrantly

would this be more appropriate in ERM?
fund_codeFund DistributionYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYYYNstringIdentifies the Fund(s) the will be charged value for this order line

fund-amount-percentage have to link together; if 2 funds, have to have 2 amounts and 2 percentages
amountFund DistributionYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYNNNnumberAmount being distributed to the Fund

percentageFund DistributionYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYNNNpercentageIndicates that the distribution was originally reported as a percentage

product_idItem DetailsYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalY (if repeatable, how would EDI handle it? As it will not accept multiple)YNNEditableIdentification number for material being acquired

Make sure we're allowing all kinds of product IDs, not just ISBN or ISSN. If multiple valid product IDs in the bib record, show a dropdown list and let the orderer choose which one to send. FOLIO should *not* require a product ID.
product_id_typeItem DetailsYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYNNNEditableType of indentification number being inputISBN, ISSN, ISMN, EAN,
Other Standard Identifier,
Standard Technical
Report Number,
Publisher Number, CODEN,
GPO Item Number
Locally-defined identifiers
Vendor Title Number
Vendor Item Number

Required to identify what type of product id has been entered. Could be multiple per POL but can only send 1 per POL in EDI format
productIdQualifierItem DetailsYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYNNNEditableProvides additional context to the product ID number.

Provides additional context to the product ID number.
receiving_noteItem DetailsYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNNNYeditableNote that is displayed at point of receipt

A-M: different from general note in that this can trigger actions or alerts at point of receipt?
subscription_from_date (Start)Item DetailsYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalN if one-time order, Y if ongoing order?NYYdateDescribes the initial date from which the material has been acquired
In the context of the ordre the most important element here is the Month and date. It may be paid for for many years. SOmetime the library will specify what volume they want to begin with and that will indicate what the start date will be to the Vendor.subn start date; manually enter (or have renewal integration update these?); for one-time orders might be useful in EBA situations; for ongoing, optional because of mono series
subscription_interval (Term)Item DetailsYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalN if one-time order, Y if ongoing order?NNNnumber of daysDescribes the number of days from the start date that the material can be considered acquired

# days; This would be automatically populated by the system based on from and to dates
subscription_to_date (End)Item DetailsYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalN if one-time order, Y if ongoing order?NYNdateDescribes the final date on which the material can be considered acquired unless renewed

subn end date; manually enter (or have renewal integration update these?); for one-time orders might be useful in EBA situations; for ongoing, optional because of mono series
editionItem DetailsYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optional
NNNdateEdition of material being acquired

subn end date; manually enter (or have renewal integration update these?); for one-time orders might be useful in EBA situations; for ongoing, optional because of mono series
locationLocation DetailYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYNYNAPILocation in the library that will receive the material. Can be multiple
1 Location per set of quantitiesA-M: may have multiple levels (e.g. building + collection). Assume that FOLIO will use locations for eResources. The URL *is not* the "location". Location would be "internet" or "online" or other things like that. What if ordering 20 copies of a book for 4 different locations; needed at the order phase because of vendor shelfready processing. Need to associate quantity and maybe fund with separate locations.
quantity_physicalLocation Detail

YNNNeditableQuantity being received at that location

quantity_electronicLocation Detail

YNNNeditableQuantity being received at that location

receipt_duePhysical Resource DetialsYes, requiredNot neededYes, optionalYes, optionalNNY (maybe by date range?)YdateThis applies to physical only (activation_due is the E equivalent). Date item should be received by according to agreement.

This applies to physical only (activation_due is the E equivalent). Date item should be received by; can be edited manually. Would this trigger a claim or show on a needs attn dashboard for acq? Could apply to one-time and/or ongoing; for onging, use the renewal interval or manually set (for mono series)
expected_receipt_datePhysical Resource DetialsYes, requiredNot neededYes, optionalYes, optionalNNY (maybe by date range?)YdateDate the library is expecting the material to arrive

This would be manually entered by the users for situations where they have made an agreement with the vendor that they can expect the item prior to the Receipt Due date
volumesPhysical Resource DetialsYes, optionalNot neededYes, optionalYes, optionalYYNNeditableInteger between 1-99999 for physical pieces included, if multiple volumes (not multiple quantity of the same volume)

Integer between 1-99999 for physical pieces included, if multiple volumes (not multiple quantity of the same volume)
material_type_pPhysical Resource DetialsYes, requiredYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNNYNAPIControlled vocabulary taken from the inventory app the identifies the type of material for each format of material being acquiredReferrence Inventory module material types
maybe this becomes po_line level; use for specific format info (e.g. for sound recordings: streaming, LP, CD) for textual: book, journal, eBook, eJournal, manuscript; have a default list, but allow the library to change the default list
create_inventoryPhysical Resource DetialsYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNNNNSelectlistThis will indicate to the system how the interaction in inventory should behave.
Instance, Holding, Item', 'Instance, Holding', 'Instance'This will indicate to the system how the interaction in inventory should behave.
acquisition_methodPurchase Order LineYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNYNfDescribes how the material is being acquiredPurchase: Resource is order either via an email to the vendor or via EDI. List and Fund are required.
Purchase at Vendor System: The purchase is handled through an external vendor system. PO lines are NOT sent directly to the vendor: they are packaged into POs and marked as sent. List and Fund are required.
Approval Plan: An agreement is in place that the vendor sends whatever the vendor determines is necessary to the institution, in EOD format. These PO lines are not sen to the vendor, but are packaged into POs and marked as sent. List and Fund are required.
Depository: The institution agrees to host gov’t publications and make them freely available. List price and fund are optional.
Exchange: Exchange of resources with another institution. List price and fund are optional.
Gift: The resource is granted as a gift to the institution.
Technical: Use for service subscription orders without inventory, or items that have migrated from an external system. List Price and Fund are optional.
Demand Driven Acquisition (DDA):
Evidence Based Acquisitions (EBA):

A-M: need to define default categories, plus have this list editable by the individual library
isPackagePurchase Order LineYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNYNbooleanIndicates that this POL is for a package of material. Multiple titles may be received against it.

titlePurchase Order LineYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNYNNeditableTitle of material or Name of Package

contributorPurchase Order LineYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYYNNeditable

publication_datePurchase Order LineYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNNNNdate (could be a range)Date of publication
May be a single date or a date range
publisherPurchase Order LineYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNYNNeditablePublisher of material

cancellation_restrictionPurchase Order LineYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNNNYcheckboxIF true indicates that material can not be canceled immediately

checkbox if not cancellable; could apply to any type of order
cancellation_restriction_notePurchase Order LineYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNNNYeditableDescription of the resctriction on cancelation

checkin_itemsPurchase Order LineYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNNNNbooleanIf true this will toggle the Checkin workfolw for details items being received against this PO line. Rater than creating a piece for each unit of quantity

If true this will toggle the Checkin workfolw for details associated with this PO line
claimPurchase Order LineYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNYYcheckboxShould this be claimed or not (UI toggle:default true) if something is not correct

Should this be claimed or not (UI toggle:default true)? A-M: will there be defaults based on vendor or order template? Might be different claim cycles for P and E. Claim dates for subns usually based on subn date. For standing orders, often have to manually set it.
claim_gracePurchase Order LineYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNNY (maybe by date range?)Ydate (default from vendor value but editable)date a claim will be sent; calculate from the expected claim date in vendor module, but allow it to be manually set/overridden as well

A-M: date a claim will be sent; calculate from the expected claim date in vendor module,  but allow it to be manually set/overridden as well
claim_sentPurchase Order LineYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYNY (maybe by date range?)Ydatedate a claim was sent

date a claim was sent
collectionPurchase Order LineYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNYNcheckboxFlag to indicate whether the order is for a collection of items or not.

A-M: Flag to indicate whether the order is for a collection of items or not (does the line have multiple line items). Might be manually set; Default to No. May still be some questions around this data element, why it's needed, and how the system uses it
po_line_description (was header_description)Purchase Order LineYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNNNYeditablefree text about the order line; not intended to be a vendor note or internal staff instruction

free text about the order line; not intended to be a vendor note or internal staff instruction
po_line_numberPurchase Order LineYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNYNNeditableFOLIO PO number plus a "-" and a possible three digit number sarting at 1

Will be viewed by Vendor (Alma = POL, Voyager = VLI) [system will also assign a UUID to the line] make sure we're clear on which order numbers are output to vendors in EDI & expected back in invoices. In succeeding FYs, the system would use the name PO Line Number, but assign a different UUID.
receipt_statusPurchase Order Line

NNYYhardcodedDescripbes the status of this POL in relation to it's receipt lifecycle
Pending, awaiting receipt, partially received, fully received, receipt not required, cancelled.

payment_statusPurchase Order Line

NNYYhardcodedDescripbes the status of this POL in relation to it's payment lifecycle
Pending, awaiting payment, partially paid, fully paid, payment not required, cancelled.

order_formatPurchase Order LineYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNYNhardcodedPhysical, Electronic, P/E Mix or other. Determines what information is required.Physical Resource, Electronic Resource, P/E Mix, Other
whatever formats the library wants to put in their list (Only P/E/Mixed at this level, with more granularity at the item level? (streaming audio, CD, audiocassette, LP, 8-track, etc) [do we need a column for mixed?]
receipt_datePurchase Order LineYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNY (maybe by date range?)YCalculated/editableDate material is received by the receiving librarian
Should read "expected receipt date". Calculated base on order date and Vendor Reciept interval
Start with filter only, per Aliaksei; see if we actually need a search in the future
may be set automatically when user receives an item (click "receive" button) or perhaps an automatic receipt when processing the invoice. May be multiples (if various quantities/volumes received on different dates)
Created_datePurchase Order LineYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNY (maybe by date range?)NDatethe very first date/time the PO Line started to be built
Start with filter only, per Aliaksei; see if we actually need a search in the futurethe very first date/time the PO Line started to be built
rushPurchase Order LineYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNNYNcheckboxIndicates this is a ruch order

sourcePurchase Order LineYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNYNEnumeratedWhat generated the orderline. (User, System etc.)User, API, EDI, MARC
Manual created in FOLIO [eventually sent via e-mail or EDI], loaded from vendor [MARC-FTP, API, etc] - need to define the values better eventually. Ideally set by the system and not the user
donorPurchase Order LineYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYYNNeditableName of donor

Name of donor
requesterPurchase Order LineYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYYNNeditableName of requester associated with donation

Name of requester associated with donation
selectorPurchase Order LineYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYYNNAPIName of selector

Should be populated by user id
tagsPurchase Order Line TagsYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYNYYeditable

vendorVendorYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredYes, requiredNNYNAPIWho the material is being acquired from of through
Start with filter by vendor, not search; see if we need to add search in the futureThis should be at the PO level, not PO Line level
note_from_vendorVendorYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYNNYeditableCould be used for UPS tracking number, updates from vendor on open orders.

could be used for UPS tracking number, updates from vendor on open orders; will be manually added  to FOLIO to start; maybe will be used for automatic status report updates in the future
instruction_to_vendorVendorYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNNNNeditableThis would be sent to the vendor as additional context (Instruction to Vendor)

This would be sent to the vendor as additional context (Instruction to Vendor)
vendor_ref_noVendorYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalN YYNYeditableSpecific indentifier used by vendor to indentify material being acquired
This will need to be a repeatable field to accommodate Title numbers, Orders numbers and other vendor numbers that need to relate to a single POL.mostly will populate from vendor data, but need to allow manual editing by library (e.g. vendor Title ID)
vendor_ref_no_typeVendorYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalN YNNYHarcodedType of indentification number being inputNew Values: * Vendor continuation reference number - (replaces Library's continuation order number and Supplier's continuation order)
* Vendor internal number - (replaces Internal vendor number)
* Vendor order reference number - (replaces Supplier's unique order line reference number)
* Vendor subscription reference number (SNA) - (replaces Agent's unique subscription reference number)
* Vendor title number - (new - does not replace anything)
This will need to be a repeatable field to accommodate Title numbers, Orders numbers and other vendor numbers that need to relate to a single POL.A-M: require if there is a vendor_ref_no [categories - may need to review categories and tweak; may want to have a default list, but allow adjustments by individual library]
vendor_accountVendorYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalYes, optionalNYNNeditableAccount number with the Vendor under which the material is being acquired
Initialy populated by Vendor record Account Number

Order Screen:

Orders Prototype

Data Flow(s):

ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram):


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