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2021-09-09 Product Council/SIG Conveners Meeting notes

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  • Decide how PC agendas are set

Discussion items

5 minAnnouncements


15 minPC Agenda Setting
The proposal as describe below is accepted. A group was formed to work on the Roles of PC Members.
45 minSIG Convener UpdatesvariousSee below.

Product Council – Agenda Setting - proposal

The PC Chairs or a designee will post an agenda for each PC meeting to the FOLIO wiki here:  The chairs will strive to post the agenda at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.  While the chairs will use their judgment to prioritize agenda items, anyone may suggest that topics be added, changed, or deferred to a future meeting. 

PC will review and approve the agenda at the beginning of the weekly meeting.

Anyone may propose topics for PC meetings by:

In some cases, members of the PC may want to discuss a topic with interested individuals before including the topic on a PC meeting.  This is typically done to ensure that there will be enough information available for PC to act upon. 


Is there a spot to keep proposed agenda items that didn't make a meeting?  Off the PC Agenda/Minutes page, we could create a page for future agenda topics.  This relates to the question of the difference between official members and non-official members of Product Council.  Perhaps make explicit the role of elected PC members to bring topics to PC from elsewhere in the project.  There is a need for a mechanism to have discussions about PC topics in a non-secretive way.  How do we best make use of the elected PC members' time?  In TC, the distinction between elected and non-elected participants is made when it comes to making a decision, whether that is by lazy consensus of elected members or in formal voting.  The experience of the product council in the Kuali OLE days was that meetings could go on-and-on without background preparation.  This discussion shows that there is work to do on the role of PC members.

Recommendation: put this agenda-setting process in place and have a group work on a proposal for the roles of PC members.  Concern about having topics raised at the start (or end) of a meeting and thereby skipping the agenda-setting process.  Volunteers for group working on the Roles of PC Members recommendation to bring back to PC for discussion: Owen, Kristin, Anya, Brooks (noting that these volunteers are all elected people; reach out to Kristin if interested in participating).

SIG Updates

App Interaction (Martina Schildt)

  • AI SIG discussed Update Orders Search Interface Design
    • Orders: Thinking about allowing to search across PO and POL with search and filter criteria from either PO or POL
    • And displaying PO and POL details in a single results list
    • SIG discussed about other apps where this approach might be worth thinking about

ERM (Martina Tumulla & Martina Schildt)

  • Discussions on how Agreements vs. Agreement Lines are used to handle different use cases, scenarios, examples

Acquisitions (Martina Schildt)

ACQ SIG reviewed and discussed:

  • EDIFACT invoices (Wiki info, Preparing import profiles, Linking to POLs after import) and EDIFACT order export 
  • "Date ordered" behavior when a user unopens and reopens orders
  • Display on item vs. a display of acq information on instance -
  • Processing invoices against previous fiscal years 
  • Improvements to the receiving display
  • Receiving UAT (user acceptance testing) - call in Slack by Dennis:
    • Calling all users with an interest in Receiving workflows. We will be releasing a number of updates to the receiving application in Kiwi that appear subtle but involve many aspects of orders and receiving. We need help verifying that your workflows have not been impacted by these structural changes and that the added functionality is behaving as expected. This UAT session will begin Monday September 13th and will run for 1 week. To participate complete the form here, it should take about 1 hour. Thank you for your feedback!

Open Access (Björn Muschall)

User Management (Maura Byrne)

  • UM-SIG spent this past month determining specifications for a Bulk User Edit function.  Magda Zacharska walked us through the parts of Bulk User Edit, created mockups, and took our input regarding how it would work.  She will be talking to other SIGs, and a dev team will be working on it.

Resource Access (Jana Freytag)

Reporting (Angela Zoss)

  • Excited to see TC progress on requirements for new apps to be added to release schedule, still hopeful for LDP app for Kiwi
  • Ongoing frustration from both SIG members and others on our #reporting-general Slack channel regarding inconsistent LDP support across hosting vendors (and across customers within hosting vendors) - see conversation around August 31 for details
  • SIG meetings continuing to cover some professional development topics like using Jupyter Notebooks to connect to LDP
  • Development status
    • At this time, over 100 report queries have been written, reviewed, and posted on the FOLIO Analytics report repository
    • Our next release includes queries on missing and overdue items, HathiTrust reports, vouchers, agreements, and more. (Hoping to release soon.)
  • Ongoing reminders for all FOLIO Participating Institutions
    • Action =>> Please review Reporting SIG-All Report Clusters (60 issues) in JIRA and RANK each report cluster for your institution (R1-R5); the SIG uses these ranks to prioritize report development
    • Reporting SIG is always recruiting new subject matter experts and report developers. Please contact Angela if you have staff who would be a good fit for reporting.

Metadata Management (Laura Daniels)

  • Several recent meetings have focused on Data export, including a review of the default mapping profile for exporting non-MARC data (bibliographic & holdings) and additional elements needed
  • Jeremy Nelson and Michelle Futornick joined MM to talk about “Sinolio” the Sinopia/FOLIO integration proof of concept. Sinopia is an open-source linked data editor being developed by the LD4P community. 
  • Question for other SIG conveners: how are your meeting agendas set? (we can talk about this on Slack?)

Consortia (Noah Brubaker)

  • Drafting consortia/group needs for an administrative user role and an administrative tool for central staff or collaborative administration between institutions to address topics such as tenant configuration, app/policy settings, batch processes, etc.
  • Drafting a document to describe data management needs for consortia/groups such as configuration of data access, management,  and use
  • Continuing work to integrate the consortia SIG more closely with other groups to provide input in more timely manner when functionality is being planned

Accessibility (Beth German, had to leave for another meeting

  • Several apps have added basic keyboard shortcuts including Inventory. 
  • UC Boulder and Michigan State conducted accessibility testing on Dashboard apps - date filter  
  • 1-2 teams will work on a spike to incorporate automated Deque aXe test with RTL/JEST 
  • Looking for folks who can help create accessibility test scenarios

SysOps (Ingolf Kuss)

  • Operational Technical Debt discussion (here with the Product Council). Also led yesterday with the TC. Operational and SysOps needs - System Operations and Management SIG - FOLIO Wiki
    • Requires changes in philosophy in the underlying architecture of folio.
    • Most of these changes would need to be done by the “Core” team (but they are very busy)
    •  Folio lacks a blueprint of how it should work or what it wants to be.
    • “Non-functional” requirements are not normally ranked by implementing libraries.
    • FOLIO has problems bringing NFR requirements into the production chain. SysOps SIG neither has a Product Owner, nor a development team.
  • Resume actions on FOLIO Integrations
    • “Integrations” comprises everything that is needed to make an external system and FOLIO act together (so they act like “one system” to the end user). Can be the development of interfaces and/or new modules in FOLIO. Can also be changes made to the external system by the vendor.
    • A working group meets that collects and prioritizes missing Integrations
    • Focus on “Pain Points”
    • Consulting the Implementers group

Implementers (Paula Sullenger)

Recent meetings have been presentations by Duke, Chicago, and Texas A&M on their decisions to not implement this year as originally planned.  Another meeting was presentations by various libraries that have implemented (from January 2019 to July 2021) and their successes and workarounds.

Support (Anya Arnold and Debra Howell)


Privacy (Peter Murray)

The SIG met this week, but there is no report.

Public Library (Adam Murray)

Product Council Monthly Report

Future agenda topics

  • TC would like input from PC on what sorts of decisions or feedback TC should expect from PC
  • As TC works through the process of including apps into FOLIO, does PC have ideas or requirements to bring to that process?

Action items

  • Peter Murrayto create a new-topics/parking-lot page for PC agenda items.  Note when something is added to the list and when it was taken up as a topic.
  • Use the Decisions Log template in Confluence as a test for the PC Roles recommendation
  • No labels