Recordings are posted Here (2022+) and Here (pre-2022) Slack channel for Q&A, discussion between meetings
Requirements details Here Additional discussion topics in Subgroup parking lot
- Poppy import planning dashboard
- Poppy timeline
- Quesnelia import planning dashboard (still being defined)
- Quesnelia timeline
- Folijet Current Development Board
- Folijet (Data import) Bug Dashboard
- Circle back on UXPROD-2742: MARC-MARC matching enhancements: Narrowing multiple matches & Bug work
- Can anyone provide use cases with example files & jobs?
- What are the most common number fields expected to be used in MARC-MARC matching?
- UIDATAIMP-1521: Not able to use system generated Match profiles
- Discuss: Does it make sense to the group to make Single Record Import Default profiles accessible to Duplicate & use with Job profiles, but NOT allow access to Edit or Delete?
- MODSOURMAN-1094: The number of created invoices is displayed when all invoices have errors with invoice lines
- Discuss: Is it still preferred for the top of an invoice job log to show total number of Invoices or should it instead display the total number of Invoice Lines?
- Circle back on UXPROD-2742: MARC-MARC matching enhancements: Narrowing multiple matches & Bug work
Upcoming meetings/agenda topics: