Focus Group for drafting requirements:
- Acq PO: Dennis Bridges
- Cornell: Jenn Cole
- 5C: Jennifer Eustis, Sara Colglazier
- Michigan State: Kim Wiljanen, Lisa Smith
Prep work
- Please bring samples of MARC Bibs with 9xx order data and be familiar with placing orders in your library’s FOLIO
- What are your library’s use cases for creating orders from MARC Bib records?
- Brainstorm a quick list and if there are more than 2 or 3, determine the highest priority use cases
- Walk through one library’s details of the top use case
- See if there are variations in that use case for the other 2 libraries
- Do the same for the next 2 use cases
- Decide next steps (Focus group meets again? A-M and Dennis talk with Devs?)
Things I don't want to forget
- POL maximum setting OK to follow?
- Templates or no?
- Does Inventory creation happen via Orders app or Data Import app? If DI, can we trigger POL links to be created?
- Receiving app?
- Only 1 holdings/1 item can be updated by DI right now
- Fund and Expense class - do we need special field mapping syntax to split?