Discussion: Tiziana pointed out the the record set used for these examples were incorrect, and did generate some confusion. She answered Sarah by saying that this is an example of a search, not a browse.
Tiziana concluded that more people preferred to have
Proposal of the merge heading function (transfer record from a wrong heading to a correct heading) Discussion of whether authorities in the MARC editing tool are local copies of, for example, the NAF or if there is a live connection to the LC NAF Clarification: the "headings" do not create local authorities .
Display 400 and See on one line or two: There were varying opinions. Some liked the one line that will wrap for longer names. Others like the see on the second line; this is also how it has been traditionally done in cataloging. For these 400 and see entries, there was a suggestion that there be an icon that is grayed out without the bullet points.
Discussion on the Name/Title management and display in MARCcat. Definition about the category that should include the Name/Title: should Name/title be include in the category of Name or in category of Name/Title?