July 18 will be Asia/Pacific meeting-friendly time
50 min
SIG Discussion: Conversation with SIG on PC action items from Things that could be better about FOLIO survey
What are the three biggest (not currently resourced enough) areas of FOLIO we want to recommend focus on - do you agree?
Search - improvements to inventory search, both basic and advanced,
Courses - no PO for four years, no funding, some requirements work underway by Implementer’s SIG: 2024-01-30 FOLIO Implementers Meeting Notes and review to happen in August at Cornell
Data import - less about new functionality and more about performance, stability, reliability
SIG process review - as product has matured, SIGs still “stuck in loop” of providing feedback and bringing issues to PO
Does this make sense?
What is a reasonable amount of effort from libraries and engagement with SIGs?
How could PC provide a better framework and structure for SIGs?
How can we keep people engaged when needed, but not schedule meetings just to keep people engaged?