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2021-03-04 Resource Access Meeting Notes

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Brooks Travis

David Bottorff

Andy Horbal

Erin Weller

Monica Arnold

Mark Canney

Martina Tumulla

Cornelia Awenius

Donna Minor

Andrea Loigman

@Christine Tobias

lisa perchermeier

Marie Widigson

Kelly Drake

Martina Karlsson

Stephanie Buck

Sharon Wiles-Young

Monica Arnold

Laurence Mini

Cheryl Malmborg

@Patty Kishman

Cynthia Lange

Jana Freytag

Discussion Items

45MinTitle level requests

live-Demo by Chalmers

Gathering requirements and accessing interest for title level requesting

Title Level Requests - Technical information

Timeline:  We would like to have requirements gathered by March 15, 2021

Name:  "Title level requests" vs. "Instance level " requests

  • The request is not actually on the title - different editions or formats of a title may be available but will not be included in the request queue that we are envisioning
  • "Instance' is folio-speak and non-native folio speakers may not understand what we mean

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue


David Bottorff, note-taker

  • In-app reports document -

    • we've gone through almost all of them other than 3 inventory reports (instance UUIDs via csv file, two others nonfunctional exports to MARC or JSON)

    • circulation log results export to CSV but not developed yet (Iris)

    • will need to revisit this at some point

    • feature requests being shared with POs

  • Documentation working group

    • need to collate glossary work from across SIGs, apps, etc.

    • contribute back to project a translation from Voyager, Sierra, Aleph and other systems to FOLIO

    • Erin will share around glossary for feedback, likely one of the first priorities to complete

    • Jira project so that documentation is part of the development project

    • this group needs to work on the Circulation Needs document - next step is how do we track this work and ensure it's documented, do people have ideas?

      • Cornell everyone on training group is doing 4 hours a week on FOLIO

      • Thursday meetings - time to review documents, or collective time to write documentation

      • Marc-breaking up into smaller working groups to write and review

      • Google technical writers style guide is what's being followed

      • but don't get nervous, as the working group can edit to follow the style guide

      • need for a roadmap for how to get through this in the next 4-6 months-Erin will work on this, play around with models

      • right now, if you want to pick up documentation, edit the Circulation documentation needs page and put your name next to it and we'll formalize this later

      • documentation intro to what's in the wiki, what's in Slack, what's in Jira, etc. onboarding is definitely lacking. Welcome to FOLIO; maybe a recording of welcome community member forum and a Q&A

      • roadmap-think about tasks that folks who don't have as much experience or time for documentation can help with

    • met for the first time Wednesday

    • met with Marsha Bornstein (consultant) and convener from Blackwater

    • a lot needs to be written, planning for that (most being tracked in draft in Google Drive OLF)

    • interest in developing a glossary

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