Proposed next steps to address:
Scenario - Items - Differing Quantities:
- Given a Data Import Job profile is run to create Orders, Instances, Holdings, & Items
- And the Item quantity within Order details differs from quantity of created Items
- Then FOLIO defers to mod-orders to create Item entities based on Order mapping, which will be linked to the Purchase Order Line (POL)
Scenario - Holdings:
- Given a Data Import Job profile is run to create Orders, Instances, Holdings, & Items
- And the Location details within the Order differ from those of created Holdings
- Then FOLIO defers to mod-orders to create new Holdings entities based on Order mapping, which will be linked to the Purchase Order Line (POL)
If we move forward with the above, please consider the following details when using Data Import to create Orders with Inventory entities:
- If locations & quantities differ between Order details and the Holdings & Items created by Data Import, then mod-orders will be triggered to create new Holdings & Items that do match the locations & quantities described in the Order.
- This scenario would lead to creation of erroneous/redundant Holdings or Items that are not linked to the POL of the Order.
Meeting notes from 4/3/2024 -
Ryan Taylor shared a MIRO diagram for processing Orders via Data Import.
Q: How are multiple items created as a part of the current process? Ryan - it is dictated by the inventory import profiles.
Q: What is the end scenario for when there is a job profile that is set to only create an instance and holdings. The end state would be an additional holdings and item would be created because the quantity does not match the number of items. If items are not defined should not be getting an unnecessary item created, but suspicious that an additional holdings would be created. It is thought that if the location matches what is in the profile that a second holdings / item will not be created. Need clarification on whether there will be additional holdings / items created.
Q: Why does the process not respect the quantity in the order import profile? Why can the order quantity and the location quantity is not be the same? May need to look at this from a different perspective.
It was noted that the business logic requires the connection of the order to Inventory at the point of creation, so it makes sense for the order to "have control" of the processing.
It was also noted that the only difference between creating an order in pending vs open is that the mapping of the inventory records should come from the field mapping profiles rather than the defaults in the order import app.
The Orders (ol and pol) have a certain business logic where the quantity is linked to what is in Inventory in addition to Receiving and Finance apps. Orders should be the source of truth as this would allow for this.
Ryan has some questions to bring back to the dev team. How can we make it simpler? Can you start in Inventory and then create the Order and associate the inventory with the POL?