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Create MARC authority requirements

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Target releaseQuesnelia (R1 2024)

UXPROD-3910 - Create a MARC authority record via quickMARC UI

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To support original cataloging workflows, librarians need a way to create a new MARC authority record via the UI. Some of these use cases include:

  1. Create headings that more closely align to the mission/objectives of my institution (locally created/managed)​
  2. Create headings that do not yet exist in external databases​
    1. Create records to distribute to other libraries as part of a standard database (as the distributing agency)​
    2. Create records to contribute to a standard/external database as part of cooperative cataloging (as the contributing agency)​
    3. Create records for eventual replacement by external record​

This feature builds upon existing logic to look for prefixes to assign an authority file by either generating an HRID in the 001 per a configured sequence, or by moving the value entered manually in the 010 $a to the 001.

In scope

  • Ability to create new MARC authority record from quickMARC, access point = MARC authority app
  • New configuration settings and validation rules
  • Maintenance of authority source files / HRID generation per tenant configuration
  • Assignment of authority file to newly created records
  • Default MARC authority field values to populate quickMARC UI
  • Default MARC fields to populate once record is created
  • Required MARC authority fields to create a MARC authority record via quickMARC UI 
  • New permission for creation of authority record


Standard authority file

Authority file managed by an external or national organization for distribution and a way to provide consistent access points across institutions (ex: LC name authority file)

Local authority file

Authority file managed by an institution that does not intend to distribute to other institutions

  • Terms that more closely align to the institution's mission
  • Terms that do not exist in other vocabularies (such as dissertation authors)
Shared authority records

Authority records in a multi-tenant environment that are shared with all other tenants

Local authority records

Authority records, either in a multi-tenant or single-tenant environment that are contained in a single tenant


SettingsAdd new settings section for MARC authority app and create settings options to manage authority filesCatalogers need a way to create new MARC authority records via the UI and assign the records to an authority source file. Some source files can be considered "standard" such as the LC name authority file, while others may need to locally configured by the library. We need to add a new MARC authority app setting section so that the library can configure these files. 

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SettingsPopulate settings with existing standard authority file definitions

Existing definitions: Managing Authority source files

  • "Name" (taken from "Source file name" from the above link
  • "Prefix" (taken from the "Identifying prefix/code" column from the above link read-only, user cannot change)
  • "HRID starts with": empty 
  • "Base URL" (taken from the "Base URL" column from the above link - but this can be edited by user)
  • "Active" check box (unchecked - though user can check)
  • "Source"  should be "FOLIO" for these standard files
  • "Last updated by"
  • "Actions" should contain an edit icon so that users can edit the "Active" checkbox and the Base URL - but NO delete icon 

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SettingsAllow user to create new local authority definitions
  • "Name": required textbox, no limit
  • "Prefix": required textbox, limit = 25 characters
  • "HRID starts with": required text box - numeric
  • "Base URL": optional text box
  • "Active" check box (checked) 
  • "Source" should be "Local" - generated by system
  • "Last updated by" : Date "by" and user name - generated by system
  • "Actions" should contain an icon for both Edit and Delete

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SettingsAdd a tool-tip/info popover by "Active"Popover should say: "Select a file as "Active" if users should be able to create a new authority record for the file 

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SettingsFor ECS/multi-tenant environments, these settings will be configured at the central-tenant level

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SettingsSpecific CRUD permissions should be required
  • "Settings (MARC authority): Create, edit, delete authority files"
  • "Settings (MARC authority): View authority files"
  • For ECS: require permission in central tenant to create, edit, delete

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Settings>validationFor local authority files, prefixes should be unique

If the user tries to add a duplicate prefix on save, add error message in red underneath prefix textbox that says: "Error saving data. Prefix must be unique"

We should produce an error toast message (11/17/23)

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Settings>validationFor local authority files, only one prefix is allowed

If the user adds a prefix that contains spaces,  add error message in red underneath prefix textbox that says: "Error saving data. Only one prefix is allowed for local authority files"

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