Scrum Master Responsibilities
- Scrum Master - Onboarding tips
- Add Release Stories to applicable sprint
Product Owner (PO) Lead Responsibilities
Backlog Grooming
- Review/Groom/Prioritize backlog (frequency 3X a week minimum) -
- Prioritize based on
- Chalmers showstopper. Is it detrimental to Chalmers' operations?
- Cap planning prioritization
- Bug Fixes (per Q1 2020 requirements - a sprint must be composed of 40% of bugs either team or core functional)
- Core Functional Bug backlog - (only take items that do not require the team to learn a brand new domain)
- Front-end | Stripes component and stripes core big test coverage.
- And if all else fails ask yourself - Is the story development ready?
- If story does not require backend development then add the ui-only label to the story. Frontend developers will review this list in addition to the entire backlog.
- Backend Stories - Developers should create these stories once work is identified.
- Release Stories - Developers should create these stories.
- Key thing - opportunity for the team to ask questions and get unblocked
- PO Lead and Scrum master must work together to address blockers. Goal - Stop the Churn!
- Vega is a unique team with multiple POs. PO Lead and Scrum-master must coordinate on making the call to POs for requirements. Team wants several days to review requirements prior to grooming.
- PO lead prioritizes the list of stories for grooming.
- PO lead or Scrum master post the stories for grooming on #vega slack channel.
Sprint Planning
Product Owner Responsibilities
- When should a story be broken up to multiple stories? IMHO, if a story is estimated at 8 or higher then the PO and team should work on breaking up the story. Consider using the INVEST technique