Product Council Update | "Round 2" (Summer 2020) Implementers was discussed. They met to prioritize a list of features that are needed - i.e. ability to edit MARC records, record export etc. Summer 2020 implementers are further identifying critical needs for "go-live" Tech Council reported on their planning around the architectural blueprint, ongoing tech discussion, clarifying multi-tenancy and its definition. SIG conveners succession planning. There have not been parameters around terms of service. Possibly SIG convener calls can be used to discuss a process or plan for succession. WOLFCON 2021 will be in Hamburg, Germany in March of 2021. Please fill out a survey about WOLFCON 2020 that will be sent around. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WolfCon debrief | Some recordings are available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SLwacRdQv9MpMXVkdBfZjoprdY0AxoZb Reporting sessions recordings: http://bit.ly/wolfcon2020reporting A group of SIG Conveners met at WOLFCON. They spoke about having consistency about the role of the convener, communication, succession planning. Please share thoughts with Laura. If anyone who was not able to make the conference would like notes for any of the sessions, please let Laura know. Recap:
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Reports: Data Integrity | Laura E Daniels |
Come up with and describe several concrete examples e.g., Instance status = cataloged AND item status = in process Instance, Holdings, Item are not suppressed AND item barcode = blank The Reporting SIG has been recording clusters of needed reports in JIRA. They are asking us for example queries.
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Reports in General | Each report needs a prototype written & reviewed, then needs a query written (SQL) Volunteers for writing prototypes? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unfinished business? | Alternate Graphical Representations - Close to completion. Will work to finish in January | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Developer Mapping | Magda Zacharska |
What are the use cases for export? Do they need to be valid MARC? Requirement to export Inventory Instance record to MARC format. MARC records will be created on the fly from Inventory. Use cases to submit to OCLC from export? Group didn't think OCLC would be a true use case. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Feature ranking/new features? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Future meeting topics |
Statistical codes: type = "Action" – create list of recommended values Refine the result list - work planned for development Q3 2020
Relinking (transferring) items Filip Jakobsen suggests to use Message banner (a new component) to display if an instance record is marked as: Suppressed from discovery, Staff suppress, or Previous held, or holdings/item is marked Suppressed for discovery. This use is intended as a MVP solution: https://ux.folio.org/docs/guidelines/components/message-banner/ Post-MVP we aim for ux consitency with MARCcat.
Source of truth (SRS). Review the FOLIO metadata flow based on test of the newly implementation of edit freeze of records in Inventory when having only SRS and Inventory installed. Inventory, MARCcat, Data Import Permissions interaction review Search enhancements - possible also look at more general requirements for defining search, e.g. when to use: Phrase search, Truncating (left and/or right), Stemming, Nested search, Boolean search, etc. (TC and MM task) Discovery – need to clarify sources of data for discovery vs. data needed for operations; this needs to be documented for the entire FOLIO community and direction should come from Product Council Item statuses and the apps that affect them Music / Maps / Media cataloging review of data elements in Inventory
Texas A&M may have a music cataloger that can help. Christie offered to load cartographic and music data from other libraries into their test FOLIO instance. Jennifer (via chat): We should also look at video as well. Videos have other standard numbers EAN for instance and fields that people like to search and discovery them by https://issuesfolio-org.folioatlassian.orgnet/browse/REP-234 https://wiki.folio.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=78336464 |