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Discussion items

 Product Council update

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 Linked Data W/G update
No updates
 Update on the outcomes of the Montreal developers meeting Peter Murray


  • Peter presented information specific to the MM SIG from the tech meeting in Montreal.
  • There was a lot of discussion in a breakout group from Resource Management about the codex and its interaction with other parts of the system. The work for the codex will move forward.
  • Sebastian said that the work of locations including three levels of hierarchy, with a fourth "bucket" were affirmed. What does creating a location, assigning it to a record look like are questions that need to be answered.
  • Charlotte and Cate will be doing some work on the UX and locations.
  • Lynn brought up issues of performance/response times. This will be under the purview of dev-ops. Lynn will share our spreadsheet with Wayne.
 Cataloging App discussion

MarcEdit video presentation:  (27:38 min)

  • Peter Murray had been in discussions with Terry Reese about a MarcEdit/FOLIO integration.
    They have spoken about the FOLIO architecture and MarcEdit architecture. Within MarcEdit, the FOLIO database could be searched, edited, and uploaded. The bookmark functionality in FOLIO will probably be able to work with MarcEdit.
  • Cate and Jakub have been speaking with an Italian company that may be interested in creating a cataloging app.
  • Charlotte encourage members to view the MarcEdit video. (Link is above.)
  • Sebastian stated the intention will not be to maintain holdings and items data in MarcEdit. It is seen as a stop gap effort for version 1 of FOLIO, but not an end result.
  • Sebastian expanded on the Italian vendor @Cult ( Their ILS is based on Amicus. They would like to move onto another platform. They would like to get involve and contribute to cataloging. They feel they have strong technology for that area. They are looking to take the cataloging interface they have and transplant it into FOLIO. That could be an option. It is not a firm commitment yet. This would be an Open Source option.
  • Felix expressed two concerns about relying on MarcEdit. 1) It is not open source 2) how can we edit bibliographic data that is not in MARC format? Which format is used in the inventory level in FOLIO? How does this work with a MARC editing tool? Peter answered that there can be many stores with different metadata types. If something is in Dublin Core, a Dublin Core editor will be needed, for example. Sebastian - Holdings/Item information is a separate app in FOLIO.
  • Charlotte showed this diagram which was part of one of the presentations in Montreal.

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 Inventory UX demo

  • Filip demonstrated the Inventory UX prototype for FOLIO.
  • Focus is on editing the Instance/Holding/Item metadata within the UI.
  • Charlotte offered that the Instance record follows the metadata elements presented by Kathryn with the group.
  • Questions:
    • Do we want always show the holdings record, or do we want to show items without holdings? Is it ever easier to do work for instances without holdings records?
    • What do we want to show on the results list. Would we like to access an item directly?
  • Can holdings record be optional? Can this be a library preference? Mike Winkler wondered about how having an option for holdings would function in terms of migrations. Wayne pointed out that often the holdings and item records are redundant.
  • Ann-Marie wondered are we going to maintain local records for electronic resources? Sebastian answered that that is still in discussion.
  • Filip will post his questions to the Discuss board. Everyone should go to the Discuss board ( and offer answers and suggestions.

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 MM SIG Parking lot checkin MM SIG Parking Lot (Old)

Action items
