SIG (Email from July 22 ) - LDP & FOLIO exist in 2 separate repo's as they separate projects
- Request was sent to Cap Planning group
- Harry want to respond to Angelas Letter and explain why it was not included in Kiwi -align it in CPG
- 3 main issues
- is LDP part of FOLIO code base?
- as a separate project it would be not
- Ian: a technical decision (pragmatic) should not be a decision overall
- Ian: make sure, that new libraries are able to built a new platform
- Harry: we need to document the process of how apps are contributed and accepted as part of the FOLIO project
- The TC is responsible for this
- the code needs to reside in the FOLIO repo
- any code, that resides outside FOLIO github is not part of FOLIO (Harry)
- PC: need to take history of LDP development in consideration
- What can be a solution to include LDP into FOLIO?
- Integrate the code in the Github?
- LDP App can reside inside FOLIO while the LDP Code reside somewhere else
- But: is the code in Github necessary, because the code resides under the same roof (OLF)?
- Definitions for release integration are there in time! These deadlines are created by cap planning many months in advance. In this case February. No developers or PO's working on the FOLIO project have been unaware of these deadlines.
- Open question for TC: what is a release and what is the process!
- PC needs to discuss the necessary reporting functionality and if it's important for it to be part of a release. If so, then the TC can review the code and respond with if it can or can't be included and what needs to change for it to be included.
- Todo'S for PC / TC
- Harry - To do CC: How do we start an app store concept?
- Harry: whoever writes code for FOLIO will be responsible for the maintenance of that code over time!
- Not maintained code breaks releases over time!
- Needs to be included in MOU's! Or have a separate MOU just for code submission.
- Maybe use LDP as blue print for the process. TC documents the process and if the PC approves, the LDP app or all of LDP can be run through that process for testing and improvement.
Chat: Von Mike Gorrell an alle: 04:09 PM This is the conversation in Slack that I believe the Reporting SIG is referring to. Von Ian Walls an alle: 04:12 PM part of the platform, or part of the LSP? Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle: 04:13 PM Having to “include” things really breaks the App Store model, but the App Store on my phone is real easy to use… Von Ian Walls an alle: 04:14 PM yes, reporting needs to be part of FOLIO LSP. Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle: 04:14 PM Reporting is both in-app and LDP isn’t it? Von Ian Walls an alle: 04:15 PM if LDP is meant to be part of the FOLIO LSP, then it needs to be included in the release cycle. Von Ian Ibbotson an alle: 04:16 PM :P Von Mike Gorrell an alle: 04:17 PM To me a key thing to keep in mind is that LDP is used beyond fOLIO, but it is/was certainly FOLIO First. This adds a wrinkle for sure Von Ian Ibbotson an alle: 04:17 PM YEah - having three alternatives adds a wrinkle too Von Ian Walls an alle: 04:17 PM I just reported on my reporting solution to Reporting SIG last hour Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle: 04:18 PM If LDP were meant to be part of FOLIO, wouldn’t it also need not to be a separate OLF project? Von Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh) an alle: 04:19 PM Is the EBSCO “reporting app” part of the FOLIO code? Von Ian Walls an alle: 04:21 PM to clarify, the PC could decide to include the LDP App into FOLIO LSP, but not including LDP itself Von Mike Gorrell an alle: 04:21 PM Right Ian. Von Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh) an alle: 04:23 PM Reporting is an essential piece of any Library Management System - discovery and ILL not Von Tom Cramer an alle: 04:25 PM So the PC would make a product decision. Then the TC would ensure technical gates are defined and met. Is there a CC (or other group?) task to establish process for including extra-mural apps in FOLIO builds? Von Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh) an alle: 04:25 PM Yes Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle: 04:26 PM Certainly agree that (whatever the outcome) the process and requirements need to be well defined I do worry about the scalability of including non-FOLIO apps in core releases. A proper App Store model would be good Von Ian Walls an alle: 04:26 PM we've been talking about this very thing in TC Von Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh) an alle: 04:28 PM Good idea Harry Psychedelic interruption is what we needed! I think that reporting and App Store will be excellent recruiting effort to bring in new libraries and dev opps Von Tom Cramer an alle: 04:29 PM So PC & TC would write the document on “what it takes for external code to be included in a release”? Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle: 04:30 PM aside: I do also worry that LDP itself (not the app) is a one-person project Von Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh) an alle: 04:30 PM Lehigh is going to support LDP with work and intellect as well Von Mike Gorrell an alle: 04:31 PM @Simeon - it has been funded by one institution… thus a limited list of contributors