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A Fee/fine owner in FOLIO is a FOLIO setting that represents the agent(s) or office(s) that manages fines for FOLIO transactions. Fee/fine owners collect fees/fines for FOLIO service points.

Libraries may name these in different ways, such as:

  • Individual service points (essentially duplicating their service point infrastructure, if each service point manages their own fines)
  • Library departments (e.g., "Undergraduate Library Business Services")
  • Staff roles (e.g., "Business Library Finance Assistant")

When configuring fines, fee/fine owners must be defined first, before other settings.

  • A fee/fine owner may be connected to one or more service points.
  • A service point may be connected to one and only one fee/fine owner.

Overdue Fines

Given that fee/fine owners are not directly connected to locations in configuration, it can be confusing to understand how overdue fines accrue to an ownera fee/fine owner, since most libraries will want it to accrue based on the item's location.

  • When an item circulates, it does so through the FOLIO circulation rules. If a fine is applicableshould be charged if the item is not returned on time, it would need to be included in the circulation rule as an overdue and/or lost item policy.
  • The item that circulates has an effective location when it is loaned to the patron.
  • The fine is charged / accrued based on the effective location of the item that is loaned, even if the location tree is not part one of the criteria in the circulation rule that was triggered, or the effective location is not where the item was borrowed from.



Even though a service point is not located in the circulation rules, an overdue fine still connects back to the fee/fine owner, through the system as following logic:

  • Item effective location → primary service point for the effective location → Fee/fine owner for that service point.


Describe permissions that apply to the app or section you are outlining. Include default permissions and permission sets; dependencies that exist with permissions in other apps/parts of FOLIO. 
Describe action-based permissions (if any) that apply to the app or section you are outlining, including permission dependencies and associated functional workflows.
Describe what each permission does, in language accessible to non-IT library staff.


Describe out of the box fields, including designed purpose, data requirements and validation, dependencies between fields. 
Describe out of the box accordion menus, including purpose of the menus, customization options, and associated permission controls (if any)
Describe any workflows available through navigation menus, including purpose of the workflow, customization options, and associated permission controls.


Describe pathways for searching in the app/feature through the UI.
Describe fields that are indexed in the back end specifically for searching
Describe any advanced searching features and how they would work.

Functional workflows

Describe available tasks that can be conducted in the app. To document those tasks, create a new page and link it to this page.
Describe action-based permissions that are connected to these functional workflows, if any.


Describe available in-app reports, including parameters for the reports, and associated permissions.
If there are developed LDP reports/queries for this app / area of FOLIO, describe those reports as well.
List any fields that may not be available in the LDP (e.g., for privacy reasons.)


Describe any APIs that interact with the app. Provide links to the API / module information in Github.
Describe integrations that individual libraries may wish to develop for this app / area of FOLIO, if relevant.
If existing integrations have been developed by adopting libraries, provide links to the integration in Github or wherever the information can be found.

Describe and include any permanent links such as a link structure to records, searches, etc

Considerations for Implementation

Describe decisions or implications that need to be considered when implementing this feature.

Include topics such as order of operations during implementation or affects of implementing in a certain way.



Lost Item Fines

Lost Item Fines accrue to the fee/fine owner, based on the location checked in the following order:

  • If there is a set value, use the fee/fine owner who owns the service point for the item's Item location: Permanent value
  • If there is no value in Item location: Permanent, use the fee/fine owner who owns the service point for the item's Holdings location: Permanent value
  • If there is no value in Holdings location: Permanent, use the fee/fine owner who owns the service point for the item's Effective Location (this is unlikely to be the case for items that circulate - they should have a permanent value on either the Holding or Item level)


One permission is applicable to this section:

  • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove owners


When configuring fines, fee/fine owners must be defined first, before other settings. 

  • A fee/fine owner may be connected to one or more service points.
  • A service point may be connected to one and only one fee/fine owner.

Available fields:

  • Owner
    • Required
    • Will be the name that displays in FOLIO workflow
  • Description
    • Optional
    • Only displays in this section of FOLIO (in default behavior)
  • Associated Service Points
    • Optional - but Fee/fine owners will not accrue fines unless Service Points are associated to them.


There is no search functionality built into this section of FOLIO.

Functional workflows

To Modify a Fee/fine Owner


  1. From Settings → Users, open the list of Fee/fine Owners.
  2. Click on the Trash icon under Actions for the Fee/fine Owner you wish to delete.
  3. Click Delete to confirm deletion.


There are no in-app reports in this section of FOLIO.

There is no personally identifying information in this area of FOLIO, unless a library chooses to include it. 


Most libraries will want to use this setting as part of integrations with reporting and external payment systems (like the University Bursar, or PCI credit card payment sites.) The project intends to produce a global export file of fine information, but individual institutions would need to customize that export themselves, for their own requirements.

Considerations for Implementation

  • There is no requirement that Fee/fine owners be named in certain ways. However, libraries should consider opportunities to consolidate fee/fine processing, if appropriate to their institution.
  • Libraries may also find it helpful to stick to the same conceptual idea when creating these - e.g., they are all service points, or all library departments - rather than mixing models.
  • If a library is intending to be able to charge fees and fines, Fee/fine owners must be implemented first.
  • Service points do not need to be implemented beforehand - however, fee/fine owners will not actually accrue any fines until service points are implemented and then associated to the fee/fine owners