Updates: Community Council - Report from meeting: Nov. 14, 2022 (next meeting is on Nov., 28, 2022)
- Documentation group:
- Fundraising for $ 21,120 started. Until today we have a commitment of $ 4500.- (UB Darmstadt, 5 Colleges, GBV, BSZ) and an offer for a new technical editor to be trained by Marcia (commitment from BSZ: Paul Kloppenborg).
- More funding for a proper training and handover period would be very appreciated!)
- Discussion about questionaire "Things that could be better about FOLIO"
- Community Council Treasurer's report:
- Product and Community Council effort: Clarify in the community, who is responsible for all the roles we need to fill?
- Will be a topic in next PC
- Reference Environment: no resources rigth now - It is estimated that 0.5 FTE could handle this work. The would be roughly $50k if an EPAM resource was contracted.
Technical Council - ADR process
- Retrospective on Architectural Decision Record process to see what works well and what needs improved.
- Spurred conversation on how TC communicates decisions. Likely need multiple channels, including Slack.
- Also setting up a formal Decision Record for all technical decisions, as not all are architectural.
- Consolidating the decision log that was maintained by the Tech Leads group into the TC's decision log. Doing some cleanup along the way.
- TC Goals & Objectives subgroup
- Moving reality on the ground, document will be "good enough", not polished.
- Much discussion on how to proceed. Feedback from broader TC has come in, moving to an approval.
- Then will look for next steps.
- Breaking changes
- RFC under consideration for how to handle when we need to make breaking changes to APIs.
- Tools/Dependencies group coming to a close
- Developing process for how we deal with what tools and software packages FOLIO requires, and how to deal with upgrading modules to use new versions.
- Things FOLIO should do better
- Unclear if there are TC actions on thisNext step is a cross-council meeting on Nov. 29, unclear if TC actions will emerge.
Product Owners
Release Planning
Tod Olson
Khalilah Gambrell Hkaplanian |