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MARCcat UX/UI analysis

David's final presentation of the UI of the result list, produced by a SEARCH, to display:

  1. at the same time authority and bibliographic records, for a search in both records type (setting of columns).
  2. bibliographic records, for a search in bibliographic record (setting of columns)
  3. authority records, for a search in Authority record (setting of columns)

Assessment of search filters for: Language, Format type and criteria to excute execute the search (Begin with, Contains ...).


Search: Keyword

  • The group agreed that when performing a keyword search, the first column should be the title.


Search: Name = Kafka
"Begins with"
Record type =
Authority records, Bibliographic records

  • Results: "Reference" column (400 field from authority records) is not needed.
  • Results: We would like to see the records detected in the authority list in the bibliographic list also.
  • Order of results: Authorities first, then bibliographic records.
  • Subject column in results list: This is an unnecessary column.


Search: Name = Kafka
"Begins with"
Record type =
Bibliographic records


Search: Name = Kafka
"Begins with"
Record type =
Authority records

  • We would like to have reference results (the 4XX or 5XX from the authority record) display in the same column with the authorized form of the terms. If the authorized form of the term is in bold and the unauthorized references greyed out, or not in bold print it would be helpful.
  • Tiziana commented that WeCat's "scan" function may be suitable for this.
  • The group agreed that there is a need to be able to easily copy and paste the 1xx field in authority records, including the MARC fields and subfields.
  • Will author/title authorities be included in the results? The group agrees that it should be clear that there is a name/title authority record available. The name/title should be in the same column. OCLC example as given by Laura:

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  • Tiziana noted that when she says "scan" it is what we in the group term "browse"

For authority only searches, should the format filter be made unavailable? No message is needed.

Indexes in drop down

How can a complex query be composed in the given interface? For example name/title. This may be the first app to need this. David added this to show how this may be handled:

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Next step

