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Discussion items



 Product Council update

The product council had a roadmap update from EBSOC's Harry Kaplanian this morning. Anyone can watch a recording of this morning's meeting. There will be a FOLIO Forum on the Roadmap Update. Dracine encouraged everyone to attend sessions on roadmap updates. It is helpful to put our SIG's work into a larger context.

Sebastian suggested that SIG members look at the sprint reviews. There's active work going on for local inventory management.

Dracine offered that there is a link to this in Holly's weekly update.

 Folio Forum Facilitators 
 Linked Data WG 

Inventory UX demo - continued


  • and on the discuss channel
    Discussion/Review of questions Filip posed on the discuss channel. Thanks to everyone who has responded to date!
  • Questions:
    1. Can holdings records be optional?
      • Filip asked for more clarity on the answer to this question.
      • Sebastian said there was a "furious" discussion among the developers as to whether or not this was needed. That lead to the notion as to whether or not it could be optional.
      • Charlotte's understanding is that we are going to go ahead and include holdings and items. These can be hidden if needed, but whether or not that is at an institutional level or can be set for collection areas, is still being discussed.
    2. If there are cases with no holding records - what situations could that be?
      • Jacquie from Duke said they work with holdings on a daily basis.
      • Filipe Filip asked whether holdings records need to be done manually, or can an automatic process be put in place.
      • Filipe Filip - What would require manual intervention?
      • Jacquie - Notes specific to a holding/item need to be manually altered.
      • Filipe Filip - What is the most common scenario?
      • Jacquie - Error correction or individual creation when a new resource is acquired. For cases of items moving, records need to
      • Sarah Schmidt at Duke emphasized that Special Collections at institutions often have to be treated in a special way. This often requires individual attention to the holdings/item record.
      • Filip - Did this group ever go over scenarious in which holdings are created, edited, deleted? He would be interested in creating a bullet point list that describes the different situations that we deal with the holdings records.
      • Lynn - Are you interested in the "edge" cases or the standard cases?
      • Filip - May need both. What is standard for one library is not necessarily standard to another library. A shared doc that lists what people think the system should do with holdings records would be helpful.
      • Lynn and Charlotte are going to see if there is a document that holds this information
    3. Would you create a new holding record if different locations?
    4. Would you create a holding record if there is only one item?
    5. How often do you edit holdings records?
      • Most libraries work with holdings records daily. At Boulder, Co., they do not use holdings records for monographs - only serials.
    6. Should we display holdings records together with the item data?
      • Filip - When item data is shown, is holdings data always shown?
      • Duke - they do display holdings and items at all times. If there is a single monograph, then the holdings record is not shown.
    7. How would you relink to different holdings records, if e.g. an item record is moved from on holdings-record to another - by drag and drop ?
      • Several of us do need to move a holdings record from one instance to another.
      • Naun brought up a situation when an item is moved to remote storage. How would this work?
      • Filip wondered if an item is moved can a holdings record be automatically generated? Group discussed whether this was possible. A bulk transfer may require a
      • At Chicago, when there are multiple holdings, then do a batch transfer. At times they need the item location needs to override the holdings location.
      • Charlotte suggested we discuss this with the full group and then a smaller task group. Filip asked to create a Google doc with different scenarios that can happen. We can also choose to contribute to the document to describe what is happening today that works, what doesn't work, etc.
    8. Do holdings data get imported, in other situations than when migration of a collection?
    9. When editing a holding record, would that preferrably be in MARC format?
      • Duke - recommended using MARC holdings data. At Chicago they do not use MARC format holdings data, and do not necessarily want to.
      • Sebastian asked if there is a relevant subset of MARC data that we could agree on? Duke - as long as mapping is available to export and share using the MARC standard
 "@Cult" Cataloging editor overview Misc. screen dumps from @Cult's demo of the Cataloguing module on 10/4/2017   
 MM SIG Parking lot & discuss forum topicsLynn WhittenbergerMM SIG Parking Lot (Old) ;
