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Product Council updateDracine Hodges
  • From Peter Murray: At the last product council meeting we decided to try the 'Questions' tool on the wiki as a place to gather frequently asked questions about the FOLIO software.  Coming out of that meeting I said I'd prepare a short video that explained the tool and described when to use it.  The video is on a Discuss page:
  • V1 releases (July, September, End of the year)

  • A gap analysis review was discussed at this morning's meeting. The review is an attempt to organize and understand what work needs to be done and when.
  • Tool to store and retrieve frequently asked questions about FOLIO. A Confluence plug-in will be tested. See the link above.
  • Soon, there will be a communication about WolfCON. This will come from Sharon Wiles-Young.
 Subgroup updates 
  • Sarah Schmidt: Special Collections subgroup - This is a "working group" for FOLIO Special Collections and Archives. Two weeks they had an overview from Sebastian. They are currently compiling a needs assessment. They will probably get together at WolfCON. The SC&A working group meets Mondays at 11 eastern time. All are welcome to join us.

    Laura is wondering if something like Law Libraries will be part of the Special Collections group. Sarah feels that the current definition of Special Collections that they are working with is a more traditional one. Sarah agreed that Law Libraries and Music Libraries could benefit from being included in this working group's consideration.
  • Christie Thomas: FOLIO tags subgroup. - Ann-Marie is the PO for tags and is chairing the subgroup. They collected use cases from across the modules and started describing the functional requirements for each. Filip presented some wireframes that are available on Discuss. Tags will begin with one module and then extend across others. There will be a tag app meant to maintain tags across all of the modules. They also discussed which records across the modules should be subject to tagging. For example, the group decided that an instance, holdings, and items will each be available for tagging.

  • Let Lynn know if anyone is interested in representing this SIG for the FOLIO Forum.

Inventory app Basic search & advanced Advanced search

Note: Alpha is not regression-tested, and there are bugs! But finally available for the SIGs to get hands on, and try out. Send bugs and comments/questions to Charlotte Whitt (

Chicago has completed their local holdings to FOLIO mapping. Charlotte is asking for sample data to load, and would like Chicago's samples. Chicago is doing a gap analysis against the proposed data model that is in the spreadsheets. They have identified some "sticking points".

Patty Wanniger said this is similar to what the data migration group is working on.

Charlotte asked that Christie add a new column and put in their comments.

Basic Search Update

Contributor Search: If name is searched in direct order, the search will not produce results. The name is indexed last name first, and is only searchable that way. Lynn thought it should be fixed. Jacquie thinks as long as it is clear,

Lisa (TAMU) in chat: "I'm not sure about it being first name-last name such as in key word. The problem is then I would get too many hits.

Jacquie emphasized the the search should only be a browse search. All creators are now contributors in FOLIO.

Contributer Type

Will FOLIO take advantages of the roles information that can come in MARC records. Are we going to use current standards that are in use?

Ann-Marie - If a record is created in FOLIO, from the Inventory module and storing it somewhere.

Lynn suggested pulling the full list from RDA of potential contributor types.

Free Text Box

Several thought this is unnessary.

Jason wondered why URIs are not facilitated within this interface. Charlotte mentioned that WeCat has very advanced capabilities in terms of Authority Control.

Charlotte wondered if we could use email for quick feedback over Discuss. Patty wondered if the Slack channel would work. Charlotte suggested we try Slack for two weeks and see how it goes. Peter Murray has a good manual for using Slack.

Advanced Search

They had one meeting. Kimmie is asking for feedback. Charlotte will send an invitation email out to the group to get together next week.

FOLIO - WeCat Integration

They had a meeting last week and are planning for one next week. Some high level conceptual diagrams were created. Lynn thought this SIG may benefit from seeing these.

Current working model:

Christie: Does this assume that MARC format for holdings will be used? Charlotte: FOLIO holdings can be used instead, if MARC Holdings are not used.

Tatiana emphasized that different directions of flow will be considered and will be added to the diagram.

Acquisitions - Inventory integration

Dennis B presenting at the RM SIG meeting Friday, March 16th (starts at about 12 min in) :

From RM meeting notes 3/16/18:

  • For V.1 any order will have a corresponding Instance and Holding in inventory
    • If the order is for an eBook (or other electronic resource), then there will be an instance, plus a holdings record (with URL, location, call number), but no item record
  • All physical items will have a corresponding "item record” in inventory
  • Inventory item status representing On Order, Receiving and Fulfilled. Will be updated in inventory by acquisitions modules using inventory's APIs
    • This assertion may change closer to implementation as the development teams define a best practice. (Inventory modules may check and update the item statuses themselves)

Lynn will post a video. Sarah asked if the system will consider gifts. Lynn said the RA SIG should know the answer.
