SIG NAME | SIG Convenor(s) | PC Liaison | Report and Include any relevant JIRA issues | Any updates to the roadmap? | Submit a Request for PC |
Acquisitions SIG | Dung-Lan Chen | Kristin Martin | Acquisitions SIG meetings agenda/notes wiki link - Reviewed Donor UAT
- Discussed Implementers Topics #113-115
- Conducted Claiming UAT in January & reviewed UAT results
- Discussed forthcoming approaches to serials binding
- Discussed/reviewed options of handling POLs with unreceivable items
- Discussed ongoing & one time orders receiving scenarios in relation to PO/POL status (continued discussions of the topic right above this one)
- Conducted "Restrict Fund Use by Location" UAT
- Discuss Poppy: Fiscal year is not populated on invoices created prior to Poppy
- PO, Dennis shared preview of fiscal year rollover enhancements planned for Ramsons release
- Serials Data Alignment small group has met three times; "Discovery" will be the focus of discussions for the fourth meeting which will take place on Friday, 23rd, at 9 am Eastern
| Create from Template |
spaceKey | PC |
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title | Some page title |
buttonLabel | Submit Request |
App Interaction SIG | Martina Schildt | Martina Schildt | App Interaction SIG is discussing Agreements and Inventory Interactions. Owen Stephens presented problem statements and the SIG is now looking at possibilities to solve the problems. |
| Create from Template |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:decisions-blueprint |
contentBlueprintId | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
templateName | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
buttonLabel | Submit Request |
Consortia SIG | | Paul Moeller | The SIG is developing goals for 2024. We will be prioritizing the goals and planning action steps in the next few meetings. |
| Create from Template |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:decisions-blueprint |
contentBlueprintId | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
templateName | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
buttonLabel | Submit Request |
Discovery Integration Subgroup | Uwe Reh |
| Discussion of the 2023 Discovery Survey and how to improve FOLIO with the knowledge gathered. |
Documentation Working Group | Katharina Jung | Martina Tumulla | The Documentation WG has discussed responsibilities for documentation areas, the order in the left-hand navigation and the search functionality on |
| Create from Template |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:decisions-blueprint |
contentBlueprintId | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
templateName | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
buttonLabel | Submit Request |
ERM SIG | | | ERM SIG will change its meeting frequency to one meeting every 4 weeks. There will be new subgroups formed, focussing on issues related to the connected KBs (internal KB respectively eholdings/EKB). These groups will meet every 4 weeks - meetings will not be held in parallel and are open to everyone interested. ERM SIG is discussing "Avoiding multiple users editing a record at the same time". |
| Create from Template |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:decisions-blueprint |
contentBlueprintId | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
templateName | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
buttonLabel | Submit Request |
Implementers SIG | |
| - Received an update from Tri-Council on the status of the re-architecture
- Discussed the Courses app; Gaps, issues, and bugs
| Create from Template |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:decisions-blueprint |
contentBlueprintId | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
templateName | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
buttonLabel | Submit Request |
Metadata Management | | | Collected use cases for Inventory exports/harvests Report on Alternate Graphical Representations (non-Latin characters) At the February 8th meeting, we had a joint meeting with RA SIG to discuss the 3-part item state and future directions. In March we will have another joint meeting on the same topic. |
| Create from Template |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:decisions-blueprint |
contentBlueprintId | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
templateName | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
buttonLabel | Submit Request |
Open Access SIG | Björn Muschall | Owen Stephens |
| Create from Template |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:decisions-blueprint |
contentBlueprintId | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
templateName | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
buttonLabel | Submit Request |
Privacy SIG | |
| Adam Chandler is stepping down as Privacy SIG convener. The Privacy created a report (FOLIO Privacy Roadmap) which has been placed as an action item on the PC topics and the Tri-Council topics for next steps. |
| Create from Template |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:decisions-blueprint |
contentBlueprintId | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
templateName | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
buttonLabel | Submit Request |
Reporting SIG | | Jennifer Eustis | - See Impacts of New FOLIO Fields and Features on Reporting for relevant Jira issues
- Reporting SIG meetings consolidated into twice a month at the best time for different time zones, specifically the 2nd and 4th Mondays at 11am ET
- Reporting Development groups and Query Review board consolidated into the FOLIO Metadb Users Group led by Nassib Nassar, which meets monthly
- Added time for "workshopping" queries in every Reporting SIG meeting, starting February 12, led by Christie Thomas
- Main focus is on learning to use Metadb
| Create from Template |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:decisions-blueprint |
contentBlueprintId | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
templateName | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
buttonLabel | Submit Request |
Resource Access | | Jana Freytag | - mod-batch-import and patron notices
- Discussed: Override options for requests
- UXPROD-2649 Request: Allow Override of Request Policy Prevented Request
- UXPROD-2694 Request: Allow Override of Prevented Pickup Service Point
- Continuation: Gap List - Request anonymization
- Joint Meeting on 3-Part-Item-State - MM SIG/RA SIG
| Create from Template |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:decisions-blueprint |
contentBlueprintId | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
templateName | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
buttonLabel | Submit Request |
SIG Conveners | Martina Schildt | | Meetings are held twice a year. Next meeting will take place in March 2024. |
| Create from Template |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:decisions-blueprint |
contentBlueprintId | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
templateName | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
buttonLabel | Submit Request |
System Operations and Management SIG | Ingolf Kuss | Ingolf Kuss | SysOps SIG received an overview of FOLIO deployment on Kubernetes with shared helm charts from LRZ Munich. Public Helm chart repo here: . Discussed the need for long-running direct db migration scripts in flower release migrations / in parallel with discussions in the TC. |
| Create from Template |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:decisions-blueprint |
contentBlueprintId | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
templateName | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
buttonLabel | Submit Request |
Support SIG | | | Image Added 2/14/24 | | Create from Template |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:decisions-blueprint |
contentBlueprintId | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
templateName | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
buttonLabel | Submit Request |
User Management | Maura Byrne | Maura Byrne | The UM-SIG got to see some mockups of how the UI would change if "required" fields were changed to "recommended" fields. This would solve a problem where users can be loaded via API without the "required" fields, but as soon as a someone tries to edit the user via UI, they get an error until the required fields are entered. (Whether the editor knows that information or not.) We're looking forward to seeing this in a future release. |
| Create from Template |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:decisions-blueprint |
contentBlueprintId | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
templateName | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
buttonLabel | Submit Request |
Workflow SIG | Ian Walls Amanda Ros | Owen Stephens | Welcomed Amanda Ros as co-chair
While the TAMU team is working on backend developments, the SIG met to discuss how permissions should work for workflows. Should workflows run as a dedicated user, or as the creator, or as the person kicking it off (and what about when it's scheduled)? The idea of having separate creation and approval roles was floated, so more eyes could look at a workflow before it starts. Permissions system bypassing was also a concern; it could be the case a user who has workflow permissions could do some actions they'd otherwise not be able to in the FOLIO UI. Good discussion, no final answers yet, conversation continuing in Slack channel |
| Create from Template |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:decisions-blueprint |
contentBlueprintId | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
templateName | c096948d-b24c-4075-9167-636d97fb869e |
buttonLabel | Submit Request |