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Attendees (40)

Alexis Manheim

Alice Daugherty


@Victoria Anderson

Virginia Martin



Announcements/Updates (5 minutes) 

New Business 

    • Inventory UI results list working group would like to present the Inventory results list updates to the ACQ (and ERM) SIG.
      Related feature:  Image ModifiedUXPROD-491 - Result list. Long term solution. Implement Refined UX-design for Inventory - hierarchical navigation structure (Instance, Holdings, Item) DRAFT (Charlotte, 40 minutes) 
    • RoadMap Revision discussion (Martina, 15 minutes)

Discussion items

HousekeepingSusan Martin
  • The Acquisitions-Group Slack Channel will be archived after today’s meeting. All communications will be through the folio-acquisitions-sig channel. 
  • Please join the #folio-acquisitions-sig in Slack
  • Molly Driscoll is looking for folks who are willing to present/share their experiences at a TBD FOLIO Forum. 
    • Walking through the acquisition of a new e-resource start to finish (ordering, invoicing, activation, and agreement tracking)
    • Walking through a renewal from an orders/invoices/agreement perspective
    • Maintaining changes in title lists year over year 

Product Counsel updates

Kristin Martin 
  • Kristin will be out for two weeks
  • LDP and how it will be integrated with the folio platform. Turned it over to the tech council.  
  • Discussions on proposed functionality that appears in the UI but doesn't really work. Example, user profile picture, it appears as a blank box but can't actually upload a picture. Will be suppressed until it works. 
  • Calendar app - concern about the calendar and the UI being confusing and what drives the UI. There is more work going on with it. 
  • Virginia: Question: Regarding things that appear but are not functionally, there are a lot of fields that the full functionality is not there. Are those a part of the ones that will be suppressed? 
  • Kristin: We did talk about those. We want those up and running and documented. 
  • From Owen Stephens to Everyone:  08:09 AM I can’t speak for Orders, but for ERM apps I’d regard fields that can be used to record useful information is “working functionality”
    Sara raised an example in the #erm-team channel yesterday which I’ve not responded to yet, but its an example where I’d say there is working functionality and there is potentially more development to come
  • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone:  08:11 AM
    re: also what Owen wrote above in chat and Virginia indicated, that it would be good to document in the Documentation what things/fields are there now as they are but with intended/more functionality to come
  • From Owen Stephens to Everyone:  08:13 AM
    I think the documentation can reflect their current function, but the PC discussion outcome would mean we avoid saying “it will be used for X in the future” - because that’s promising functionality that may never materialize (no matter what our intentions today)
10 minutes after

Jira Legacy



Charlotte Web
  • Pointing Results for Kiwi Release
  • Came up with top 20 features
  • UXPROD-491 Result list
  • Working group took starting point, one of the assumptions,, is that introducing the new result list will be when we have done when we swap the current search tool with the elastic list. Keep in mind that the search technology in inventory will be replaced with the elastic search and get the benefit of the speed and searching across all three record segments in one go. 
  • MM-SIG working group 
  • Had ten meetings
  • See pages: for more information 
  • Elastic search will just say Inventory, there will not be two different apps. 
  • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone:  08:20 AM
    Related to documentation:  As a first step, the current version of (this is the Honeysuckle release documentation) does contain comments if a field is deprecated in a future release.  For example, see Finance > Viewing budget details > Budget information: "Allocation date" and "Actions required."  Another example is in Organizations > EDI information where there is a note that functionality is still under development and that any information entered there is for reference purposes only.  If there are additional fields that need a similar comment, please feel free to pass those along to me and I'll create a documentation JIRA to add those to the queue for the working group to consider!

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  • From Lloyd (Marmot) to Everyone:  08:22 AM
    I would like a location column on that item result list. I don't want to have to open each one to see the location.
    • Charlotte: That wouldn't work well here.

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How to do the sorting: 

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Default is relevance 

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  • We can add more if needed. 
  • You can also sort by specific location. 
  • Results are sorted alphabetically by Title and the sort will remain until user changes it. 
  • Third pane views; 
    • When user clicks on a title, a third pane opens to show a summary of record clicked on. 
  • A user can click though to the full inventory record. 
  • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone:  08:37 AM When chronology or enumeration is part of the search criteria, would it search in both holdings statement and receiving history?
  • Charlotte: Some of these details we have not worked out yet. That's good feedback to get.  I am not sure at this time. 
  • Kristin: Is there a way to make it identifiable that a record is suppressed?
  • Charlotte: Right now there is not, but it is included for the future. There is an ! mark to reflect it's suppressed. 
  • If you search on a barcode and there is only one hit, if exact match, you get the full display right away. 
  •  From Lloyd (Marmot) to Everyone:  08:39 AM What group is talking about this?
  • From Martina Schildt to Everyone:  08:43 AM @Lloyd: the Inventory UI results list working group discussed this - with volunteers from the different functional areas - for the larger community's feedback Charlotte is presenting to the different Folio SIGs
  • Susan: There are a lot of really nice improvements here. 
    • Several people agreed with her. 
  • Charlotte will add links to the minutes. 
  • Charlotte asks for people to provide feedback. 
  • Dennis: Question: Relevancy, that's taking the place of sorting?
  • Charlotte: Relevance is the default. But you can select other options or filters. 
  • Dennis: was there a choice for ascending or descending?
  • Charlotte: Not at this time. 

50 minutes after the hour

Roadmap development team

Martina Schildt
  • Roadmap development team
  • Created list of themes: 
  • Do you have any themes you would like to add to that? Are you working on anything you think should be part of the roadmap? Are there any questions?
  • Kristin: Some things are coming up soon. The roadmap can help drive priorities but can not really say for sure specific dates. Things we would like to see happen but are not necessarily on the docket are good things to have on the road map. 
  • Martina: Discussion on if each SIG should have a roadmap to help inform the larger folio roadmap. Please add anything you would like to see to the google document. 

Action items
