- Adding configuration APIs adds interface dependencies and APIs are not consistent - need a guide for module configuration APIs
mod-configuration usage
Backend modules declaring mod-configuration usage: https://github.com/search?q=org%3Afolio-org+%22%5C%22configuration%5C%22%22+path%3A%2F%5Edescriptors%5C%2F%2F&type=code
Frontend modules declaring mod-configuration usage: https://github.com/search?q=org%3Afolio-org+%22\%22configuration\%22%22+path%3Apackage.json&type=code
Draft RFC bulletpoints
- mod-configuration shall not be used any more due to security issues
- module is already deprecated, no more configuration settings shall be added.
- Distributed configuration is more native in microsyervice ecosystems and has many pros.
- Distributed configuration shall be preferred
- if a configuration is used by more than one module, and one module is authoritive for this configuration, then this module should hold this configuration. (Example circulation rules)
- A consistant way getting/setting configurations should be established. API endpoints should look like /{module}/{configuration}/{entry} - Julian: Think this is not needed, maybe as a guideline, but not enforced
- Legacy endpoints getting/setting configuration shall get deprecated
- Centralized configuration using mod-settings can or should be used
- by non-sensitive information, that are used by more than one module or are complete independent of any module like locale settings
- settings that are specific to a user
- Configurations for multiple tenants: Craig will talk to Olaminde
Distributed configuration means , that each module stores its configuration values itself, and offers API endpoints to query and store these values. Distributed configuration in a microservice architecture has some advantages:
- the The modules can validate the values according to format and dependencies
- modules Modules do not depend on a configuration module, hence a better separation of microservices can be achieved
- since Since all API endpoints have to be documented, a basic documentation of possible configuration variables is mandatory
- Configuration values can be cached, since no other module can change values.
- Access to configuration values can effectively controlled by permissions defined in the module.
- Write-only configuration values are possible, like credentials. The module can offer other operators than reading values like comparing hashes (possible in central configuration too?)
- Modules can handle upgrade of configuration variable names or values during module upgrades more flexible
mod-settings solves the security problems of mod-configuration. It is the preferred module , if configuration variables shall be stored centrally. It is not recommended to develop specialized modules for other central configuration store.
While these configurations can also be stored in a module, the developer can decide where these values shall be stored.
For locale properties and other properties still residing exclusively in mod-configuration, the access to these properties has to be moved to the mod-settings API until the Quesnelia release. Therefore a mod-configuration module offering only READ (and DELETE?) APIs will run in Quesnelia and the modules still using mod-configuration have to transfer their properties to mod-settings or to a distributed configuration.