Guests: Oleksii Petrenko , Anton Emelianov (Deactivated)
Discussion items
30 minutes maximum | Approvals for R1 2021 Hot Fixes | Questions to answer:
None | |
10 minutes maximum | Status update |
As mentioned at last week's meeting, the Prokopovych team has 2.5 FTE BE devs on paper, but only about 1.0 FTE in actuality. We need to focus our limited BE capacity on what is most important. Aside from critical bugs that pop up with Juniper, what should we focus on first?
- UICHKOUT-726 (SPIKE: Improve check-out speed) – this is a P2 because you are able to check-out items, but it takes too long - starting ticket is CIRC-1181 (Research checkout speed)
- UICHKIN-269 (SPIKE: Improve check-in speed) – this is a P2 because you are able to check-in items, but it takes too long - starting ticket is CIRC-1182 (Research check-in speed)
- Karate tests
(Note: Code freeze for Kiwi is in less than two months, on September 17th.)
Creating Karate tests is important, but we really need to figure out how to improve performance with checkouts and check-ins. It is summer now, so performance will get worse when the fall semester starts. The likelihood that we will have a long-term fix in place by then is slim, but we need to start on this ASAP.
The team is focused on fixing P1 and P2 BE bugs right now. We will see if another team can donate a BE dev with circ experience to work on bugs while our BE dev focuses on this research.
We will start with checkout given patron is standing at the circ desk waiting (while check-in is usually completed without the patron standing there). Our person should work with Martin. We should define both short-term and long-term solutions.
Need to include test where data import is occurring while doing checkouts and check-ins.
Planning roll out of implementation of Elasticsearch in Inventory - timeline: Lotus?
The current technical approach for search in Inventory is using PostgreSQL, JSONB columns, CQL and RAML Module Builder. Using Elastic Search as a long term solution has been explored Autumn 2020 - Spring 2021 (POC). We should now plan for when to swap the current solution and use Elasticsearch in production.
Harry will talk to Magda and Khalilah about the long-term plan and how to research itIris Hot Fix #3 tickets are closed except for 2 from Thunderjet team. They have said we should not wait for them, so Iris Hot Fix #3 will go public today. The 2 tickets from Thunderjet have been moved to Iris Hot Fix #4 (which has not been planned yet). There are 94 tickets that are P1/P2 with a Release of "R2 2021 Bugfix." Only 13 are still in open state. Still have test cases to complete, and 29 are still unassigned. Many of the teams have less bugs reported this time around. | |||
Update on Elastic Search | Hkaplanian | Magda is on vacation–back on Monday. | |
Capacity on Core: Platform Team | Mark Veksler | Limited capacity will impact our ability to work on Optimistic Locking. Quick fix is to allocate more of Julian's time to Core: Platform Team. Long-term fix is to ask Community to contribute a BE dev for this purpose. Harry & Mike have CC meeting next and will let them know about this. Also the PC. | |
LDP App | Hkaplanian | Angela wrote an email about being disappointed that the LDP app didn't make it into the release. She thinks that the freeze dates were not advertised well enough. We also have concerns about including the LDP in a FOLIO release given it is not part of the FOLIO code repository. Harry will construct a response and share it with this group. | |
Continue discussion of JIRA Issue Type "Bug" | Issues related to what we define as a "bug"...
This issue was discussed ages ago, along with the possibility of making a new JIRA Issue Type for PO bugs. I'm not sure that is the answer. Perhaps we need to stop "grading" the teams on bugs? We have situations where the dev team that caused the bug is not the dev team that fixes the problem. This also counts "against" the dev team that fixes the bug. (See Cate's document) Need to discuss further. Some ideas/questions from last meeting...
From today's meeting...