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Discussion items


Round IV MVP +
  • Anything tagged in Jira as MVP or one of the rounds should be in the sheet for the POs so they know what's critical for one of the rounds.
  •  Need to match the requirements to the UXPROD, split the UXPROD, or create new UXPROD issues.
  • Important that performance be added as a requirement. Libraries should be able to load XXX records in YYY time (it's on there).
  • There's still a discrepancy between institutions in the rounds. Given capacity, it may not be realistic to address all those requirements. maybe focus on developing just for next library likely to implement. Holly had the impression that the Rounds were trumping the gap analysis. Round IV in addition to MVP, who is the library the closest to MVP, but a little beyond it. Holly's not looking at what XXX institution needs to go live (as listed in the Jiras?), but just at the MVP and the Round IV list.
  • Holly: We still need to go through the Round IV and who goes next. We're not going to get everything developed, feels like some member institutions SIGs have a realistic view of what their institutions need in a specific area. To really come up with a list of what really needs to be done beyond MVP.
  • Really, what we need is a common denominator, what everyone needs. If there's an outlying issue, that may be put off? Gets tricky. Good to know which features are those needed by everyone vs. specific libraries. Would be really good to document in a spreadsheet form what's needed who absolutely needs something on day one.
  • MVP will not be done for Q2. We have one library that will in implement in Round II. Implementing in late December.
  • PO MVP spreadsheet: Some finish in Q1 2121 (end of January). Same people who are doing this work will have to do the work for the Round IV implementers too. Some MVP stuff may be delayed in favor of Round IV. But everything in MVP is needed for Rond IV. Capacity plan also has things that are non-MVP features. Those non-MVP features might give some space. Basically we need to know what's needed n order to plan what work can get done.
  • Jira rankings are not up to date - please take some time to update those.
  • Round III - is expecting all MVP features, implementing in December. Should Holly put everything that's not in Round II into Round III?
  • Still looking for a PO for search - Call # search is in MVP - may be able to move a PO.
  • Actions for the Implementers Group - Holly needs list of what's absolutely needed. Go-live Jiras aren't enough. Need list of absolute needs, beyond MVP that are needed for go-live Due  . Good if it was a united list that Round IV agrees upon. Take a fresh look and be open. Share ideas about workarounds. Note disagreements.
  • Could we use a pre-existing report as a starting place - original capacity plan had lists of outliers, maybe the outliers are more in common than they were
  • Holly will share new numbers for Round IV libraries for who agrees on which Jiras, and how many need to go-live, who is outliers. Will get spreadsheet today  
  • Need 5 Colleges to be involved, as they're on the Round IV list. patty.wanninger will reach out.General Discussion

    • TAMU is reaching the end of life with Voyager summer 2021
    • UChicago - Tod, same - felt that we need to agree on the priorities
    • Cornell - Voyager support costs are rising,  June 30 is their cut over date and they don't want to wait another year
    • Duke - Staff is very concerned that the migration will be a step backwards
    • 5 Colleges - Have to migrate at the beginning of the fiscal year.  Need robust import and export

    All institutions can not continue to pay for 2 systems.  Would like to be able to limit to one

    Need to migrate at the end/beginning of the fiscal year

    Recognition that there is not the capacity for FOLIO to have all the development that the libraries have ranked 

    Review of the Round IV Page

    Major issues

    • Performance
    • Upgrade in place
      • Many were able to - on the backend.  It's not a function of FOLIO

    Next Steps

    Everyone to review needs with their teams over the next week or so

    Duke - business analysts will review new JIRAs, probably not changing existing JIRAs

    Discussion about Ciaisoft integration - being necessary but doesn't seem to be progressing

    Action items

    •  Update unranked Jiras - Everyone
    •  List of absolute needs beyond MVP due June 1, 2020.