This page will provide the API contracts for LC user registration.
Info |
Description: Create patron.
API: https://folio-dev-volaris-edge.ci.folio.org/patron/account/{patronIdexternalSystemID}? apiKeyapikey=eyJzIjoiWDhoYmM1THJDeSIsInQiOiJ0ZXN0ZWRnZWRjYiIsInUiOiJkY2JDbGllbnQifQeyJzIjoieHFpNzNjNEZzOSIsInQiOiJkaWt1IiwidSI6ImRpa3VfYWRtaW4ifQ== API:
NOTE:- we can provide any existing id of a patron OR externalSystemID of an existing user.(will be used internally to perform operation on behalf of the user)
Code Block |
{ "generalInfo": { "externalSystemId": "ext-5555-kapil-new-record-100", "firstName": "sdfdgfsfsdnew-record-100", "preferredFirstName": "dfsdNew Record", "middleName": "bbb", "lastName": "cccnew-record-100" }, "address0addressInfo": { "addressLine0": "123 Main St", "addressLine1": "Apt 4B", "city": "Metropolis", "province": "NY", "zip": "12345", "country": "USA" }, "address1contactInfo": { "addressLine0phone": "555-123456"456, Side St", "addressLine1mobilePhone": "Suite 500555-5678", "cityemail": "Metropolis"new-record-100@test.com" }, "provincepreferredEmailCommunication": ["Support", "NYPrograms", "Services"] } |
-A user will be created with userType “patron” and patron_group “Remote Non-circulating“ ,
is stored in Folio as Home
Code Block |
"zip { "generalInfo": { "externalSystemId": "12346ext-kapil-new-record-100", "countryfirstName": "USA" }, "contactInfo": { "phonenew-record-100", "preferredFirstName": "New Record", "middleName": "555-112233", "mobilePhonelastName": "555new-record-5678", "email": "test@maivffgl" }, "preferredEmailCommunication": ["Programs","Support","Service"] } |
A user will be created with userType “patron”, Address1 as primary address and addressType as work.
Code Block |
{ "generalInfo": {100" }, "addressInfo": { "addressLine0": "123 Main St", "addressLine1": "Apt 4B", "city": "Metropolis", "province": "NY", "externalSystemIdzip": "ext-555512345", "firstNamecountry": "sdfdgfsfsd",USA" }, "contactInfo": { "preferredFirstNamephone": "dfsd555-123456", "middleNamemobilePhone": "bbb555-5678", "lastNameemail": "cccnew-record-100@test.com" }, "address0preferredEmailCommunication": [ { "addressLine0": "123 Main St", "addressLine1": "Apt 4BSupport", "Programs", "Services" ] } |
Description: Update patron by email.
API: https://folio-dev-volaris-edge.ci.folio.org/patron/account/{externalSystemID}/by-email/ext-kapil-2@test.com?apikey=eyJzIjoieHFpNzNjNEZzOSIsInQiOiJkaWt1IiwidSI6ImRpa3VfYWRtaW4ifQ==
Code Block |
{ "generalInfo": { "externalSystemId": "ext-kapil-2", "cityfirstName": "MetropolisKapil2", "provincepreferredFirstName": "NYInactive or Expired and Remote Non-circulation", "zipmiddleName": "12345", "countrylastName": "USASony" }, "address1addressInfo": { "addressLine0": "456123 SideMain St", "addressLine1": "SuiteApt 5004B", "city": "Metropolis", "province": "NY", "zip": "1234612345", "country": "USA" }, "contactInfo": { "phone": "555-112233123456", "mobilePhone": "555-5678", "email": "test@maivffglext-kapil-2@test.com" }, "preferredEmailCommunication": ["Programs","Support", "ServicePrograms"] } |
A user will be updated with provided payload with API response 204
Description: Get patron by email.
API: https://folio-dev-volaris-edge.ci.folio.org/patron/account/{patronIdexternalSystemID}/by-email/{emailId}? apiKey=eyJzIjoiWDhoYmM1THJDeSIsInQiOiJ0ZXN0ZWRnZWRjYiIsInUiOiJkY2JDbGllbnQifQext-kapil-2@test.com?apikey=eyJzIjoieHFpNzNjNEZzOSIsInQiOiJkaWt1IiwidSI6ImRpa3VfYWRtaW4ifQ==
A user will be returned in the form of external_patron .
Code Block |
{ "generalInfo": { "externalSystemId": "ext-5555kapil-new-record-100", "firstName": "sdfdgfsfsdnew-record-100", "preferredFirstName": "dfsdNew Record", "middleName": "bbb", "lastName": "DDD" new-record-100" }, "address0addressInfo": { "addressLine0": "123 Main St", "addressLine1": "Apt 4B", "city": "Metropolis", "province": "NY", "zip": "12345", "country": "USA" }, "address1contactInfo": { "addressLine0": "456 Side St", "addressLine1phone": "Suite 500555-123456", "city": "Metropolis", "provincemobilePhone": "NY555-5678", "zip": "12346", "countryemail": "USAnew-record-100@test.com" }, "contactInfopreferredEmailCommunication": [ { "phone": "555-112233", "mobilePhone": "555-5678Support", "email": "test@maivffgl" }, "preferredEmailCommunication": ["Programs","Support","Service" "Services" ] } |
A user will be updated with provided payload with API response 204
GET:Description: Get expired LC patrons.
API: https://folio-dev-volaris-edge.ci.folio.org/patron/account/{patronIdexternalSystemID}/by-email/{emailId}? apiKey=eyJzIjoiWDhoYmM1THJDeSIsInQiOiJ0ZXN0ZWRnZWRjYiIsInUiOiJkY2JDbGllbnQifQ==external-patrons?apikey=eyJzIjoieHFpNzNjNEZzOSIsInQiOiJkaWt1IiwidSI6ImRpa3VfYWRtaW4ifQ==&expired=true
Note : This API will fetch expired users for previous day only (business day -1).
A user collection of LC users will be returned in the form of external_patron_collection .
Code Block |
"city{ "externalPatrons": [ { "generalInfo": { "externalSystemId": "Metropolis", "provinceext-kapil-2", "firstName": "NYKapil2", "zip "preferredFirstName": "12345", "countryInactive or Expired and Remote Non-circulation", "lastName": "USA" Kapil2" }, "address1addressInfo": { "addressLine0": "456123 SideMain St", "addressLine1": "SuiteApt 5004B", "city": "Metropolis", "province": "NY", "zip": "12346", "country": "USA" " }, "contactInfo": { "phone": "555-112233123456", "mobilePhone": "555-5678", "email": "test@maivffgl" }, ext-kapil-2@test.com" }, "preferredEmailCommunication": [ "Programs", "Support" ] } ],"Service"] } "totalRecords": 1 } |
Error Code Responses
ERROR CODE for ALL the API’s (negative scenarios) : Also below codes are found in API DOC: API DOC LINK
Sample Error Responses:
API TYPE | ERROR | Response JSON | ||
POST | 422: User account is not active |
| ||
422: User does not belong to the required patron group |
| |||
422: User already exists |
| |||
422: Multiple users with email |
| |||
PUT | 404: user does not exist |
| ||
422: User already exist with email provided in payload |
| |||
422: Multiple users found with the same email |
| |||
422: Required Patron group not applicable for user |
| |||
GET by email | 404: User does not exist |
| ||
422: Multiple users found with the same email |