Discussion Items
Time | Item | Who | Description | Goals/Info |
2min | Administrivia |
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presentations by implementing libraries | ||||
documentation | Erin - Continue working on in-app reports document https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Jr1FM9KNVdWZVkx2HcpuDgdBZENsQk5U/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=101818288105864628077&dls=true | |||
RA Documentation Review | Set steps for our documentation efforts - we talked about last week: Update on Documentation Working Group What do we think is missing in this architecture?
Proceeding with our list
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the implementation process |
Meeting Outcomes
Functional Area | Product Owner | Planned Release (if known) | Decision Reached | Reasoning | Link to supporting materials | Comments |
e.g. loans, fees/fines | Name | e.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019 | Clearly stated decision |
| e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue | |
David Bottorff, note-taker
In-app reports document -
we've gone through almost all of them other than 3 inventory reports (instance UUIDs via csv file, two others nonfunctional exports to MARC or JSON)
circulation log results export to CSV but not developed yet (Iris)
will need to revisit this at some point
feature requests being shared with POs
Documentation working group
met for the first time Wednesday
met with Marsha Bornstein (consultant) and convener from Blackwater
a lot needs to be written, planning for that (most being tracked in draft in Google Drive OLF)
interest in developing a glossary
need to collate glossary work from across SIGs, apps, etc.
contribute back to project a translation from Voyager, Sierra, Aleph and other systems to FOLIO
Erin will share around glossary for feedback, likely one of the first priorities to complete
Jira project so that documentation is part of the development project
this group needs to work on the Circulation Needs document - next step is how do we track this work and ensure it's documented, do people have ideas?
Cornell everyone on training group is doing 4 hours a week on FOLIO
Thursday meetings - time to review documents, or collective time to write documentation
Marc-breaking up into smaller working groups to write and review
Google technical writers style guide is what's being followed
but don't get nervous, as the working group can edit to follow the style guide
need for a roadmap for how to get through this in the next 4-6 months-Erin will work on this, play around with models
right now, if you want to pick up documentation, edit the Circulation documentation needs page and put your name next to it and we'll formalize this later
documentation intro to what's in the wiki, what's in Slack, what's in Jira, etc. onboarding is definitely lacking. Welcome to FOLIO; maybe a recording of welcome community member forum and a Q&A
roadmap-think about tasks that folks who don't have as much experience or time for documentation can help with