Subgroup formed to look into a mechanims for the review process
important: use standard tools for tracking
review as early as possible
approach is a 2 part process - TC’s review approach and checklist
there is a description of how to submit a review for PC:
new mechanism will be via JIRA
there will be a Jira template to be answered for the PC
in future PC will “endorse” functionality instead of “approve” it
The process definitely should not be a “burden” - feedback is always welcome
Open questions:
PC would like to test the updated mechanism > therefore the Jira template is needed
Discussion on why the PC is endorsing new functionality and why SIG discussions don’t replace PC reviews
The PC is looking at the big picture while the SIGs have a specific focus.
The PC is doing this, by keeping the big picture view of the FOLIO project
Not all functionality is discussed in SIGs but in Working groups
Next steps:
Exception: we may vote on the Reading Room functionality sooner to not hold them up and use them as a test for the new jira after the fact > TBD
What needs to be clarified is the terminology for the Reading Room functionality
there are still discussions around whether it is too specific, because it can be used to support other workflows as well
The SIG would like to keep the name though