The approach consists of the following steps (using contributors as an example):
Create table
with the following structure:
Column | Type | PK |
contributor_id | varchar(40) | yes |
tenant_id | varchar(100) | yes |
type_id | varchar(40) | yes |
count | bigint | no |
On the create/update/delete operations on an instance, the following actions should be applied:
Operations | Sub-resources | Insert query | Delete query |
instance inserted | list to insert |
| N/A |
instance updated | list to insert + list to delete |
instance deleted | list to delete | N/A |
The aggregation query:
Code Block | ||
| ||
SELECT c.id, c.name, c.name_type_id, c.authority_id, json_agg( json_build_object( 'count', sub.instance_count, 'typeId', sub.type_ids, 'shared', false, 'tenantId', sub.tenant_id ) ) AS instances FROM ( SELECT ins.contributor_id, ins.tenant_id, sum(ins.count) as instance_count, array_agg(DISTINCT ins.type_id) FILTER (WHERE ins.type_id <> '') as type_ids FROM contributor_count ins WHERE ins.contributor_id in (?, ?) GROUP BY ins.contributor_id, ins.tenant_id ) sub JOIN contributor c ON c.id = sub.contributor_id WHERE c.id in (?, ?) GROUP BY c.id; |