Disable triggers
Code Block language sql collapse true ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item DISABLE TRIGGER audit_item; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item DISABLE TRIGGER check_statistical_code_references_on_insert; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item DISABLE TRIGGER check_statistical_code_references_on_update; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item DISABLE TRIGGER set_id_in_jsonb; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item DISABLE TRIGGER set_item_md_json_trigger; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item DISABLE TRIGGER set_item_md_trigger; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item DISABLE TRIGGER set_item_ol_version_trigger; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item DISABLE TRIGGER update_item_references; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item DISABLE TRIGGER update_item_status_date; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item DISABLE TRIGGER updatecompleteupdateddate_item_delete; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item DISABLE TRIGGER updatecompleteupdateddate_item_insert_update;
Create uuid_range table
Code Block language sql collapse true create table public.uuid_range ( id serial primary key, partition uuid, subrange_start uuid, subrange_end uuid, completed boolean default false );-- If table exists and filled then do: UPDATE public.uuid_range SET completed=false; -- If table was just created then fill it: DO $$ DECLARE partition_start UUID; subrange_start UUID; subrange_end UUID; BEGIN FOR i IN 0..15 LOOP partition_start := (rpad(to_hex(i), 8, '0') || '-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')::UUID; subrange_start := partition_start; FOR j IN 1..4096 LOOP IF i < 15 OR (i = 15 AND j < 4096) THEN if (j < 4096) then subrange_end := (to_hex(i)::text || rpad(lpad(to_hex(j), 3, '0'), 7, '0') || '-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')::UUID; else subrange_end := (rpad(to_hex(i + 1), 8, '0') || '-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')::UUID; end if; ELSE subrange_end := 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff'::UUID; -- upper bound for last subrange in last partition END IF; INSERT INTO public.uuid_range (partition, subrange_start, subrange_end) VALUES (partition_start, subrange_start, subrange_end); subrange_start := subrange_end; END LOOP; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Create/replace function to recalculate effective values and shelving order in items
Code Block language sql SET search_path = <tenant>_mod_inventory_storage; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION set_item_effective_values(holding jsonb, item jsonb) RETURNS jsonb AS $$ BEGIN RETURN set_effective_shelving_order( item || jsonb_build_object('effectiveLocationId', COALESCE(item->>'temporaryLocationId', item->>'permanentLocationId', holding->>'effectiveLocationId')) || effective_call_number_components(holding, item)); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT;
Update step should be executed for each partition created from step #2. Update script can be executed concurrently.
Code Block language sql collapse true set search_path = "{tenant}_mod_inventory_storage", "public"; do $$ declare partition_to_process uuid := '{partition}'::uuid; range_rec public.uuid_range%rowtype; begin for range_rec in select ur.* from public.uuid_range ur where ur.partition = partition_to_process and ur.completed = false loop -- start transaction; UPDATE item i SET jsonb = set_item_effective_values(item_data.holdings, item_data.item) FROM ( select item.id, hr.jsonb as holdings, item.jsonb as item from holdings_record hr join item on item.holdingsRecordId = hr.id where item.id between range_rec.subrange_start and range_rec.subrange_end and item.jsonb->'effectiveCallNumberComponents'->'callNumber' IS NOT NULL ) AS item_data WHERE i.id = item_data.id; update uuid_range set completed = true where id = range_rec.id; -- raise notice 'subrange id: % completed', range_rec.id; commit; end loop; end $$;
Monitor how many sub-partitions in partitions are left to be processed
Code Block language sql collapse true select partition, count(partition) from public.uuid_range where completed = false group by partition order by partition;
Enable triggers
Code Block language sql collapse true ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item ENABLE TRIGGER audit_item; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item ENABLE TRIGGER check_statistical_code_references_on_insert; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item ENABLE TRIGGER check_statistical_code_references_on_update; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item ENABLE TRIGGER set_id_in_jsonb; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item ENABLE TRIGGER set_item_md_json_trigger; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item ENABLE TRIGGER set_item_md_trigger; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item ENABLE TRIGGER set_item_ol_version_trigger; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item ENABLE TRIGGER update_item_references; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item ENABLE TRIGGER update_item_status_date; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item ENABLE TRIGGER updatecompleteupdateddate_item_delete; ALTER TABLE {tenant}_mod_inventory_storage.item ENABLE TRIGGER updatecompleteupdateddate_item_insert_update;