- : need to take history of LDP development in consideration
- What can be a solution to include LDP into FOLIO?
- Integrate the code in the Github?
- LDP App can reside inside FOLIO while the LDP Code reside somewhere else
- But: is the code in Github necessary, because the code resides under the same roof (OLF)?
- Definitions for release integration are there in time!
- Open question for TC: what is a release and what is the process!
- PC / TC are aware as well - PC needs to discuss the necessary reporting functionality
- Todo'S for PC / TC
- Harry - To do CC: How do we start an app store concept?
Chat: Von Mike Gorrell an alle: 04:09 PM https://folio-project.slack.com/archives/CGPMHLX9B/p1626279332287700?thread_ts=1624633396.247000&cid=CGPMHLX9B This is the conversation in Slack that I believe the Reporting SIG is referring to. Von Ian Walls an alle: 04:12 PM part of the platform, or part of the LSP? Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle: 04:13 PM Having to “include” things really breaks the App Store model, but the App Store on my phone is real easy to use… Von Ian Walls an alle: 04:14 PM yes, reporting needs to be part of FOLIO LSP. Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle: 04:14 PM Reporting is both in-app and LDP isn’t it? Von Ian Walls an alle: 04:15 PM if LDP is meant to be part of the FOLIO LSP, then it needs to be included in the release cycle. Von Ian Ibbotson an alle: 04:16 PM :P Von Mike Gorrell an alle: 04:17 PM To me a key thing to keep in mind is that LDP is used beyond fOLIO, but it is/was certainly FOLIO First. This adds a wrinkle for sure Von Ian Ibbotson an alle: 04:17 PM YEah - having three alternatives adds a wrinkle too Von Ian Walls an alle: 04:17 PM I just reported on my reporting solution to Reporting SIG last hour Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle: 04:18 PM If LDP were meant to be part of FOLIO, wouldn’t it also need not to be a separate OLF project? Von Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh) an alle: 04:19 PM Is the EBSCO “reporting app” part of the FOLIO code? Von Ian Walls an alle: 04:21 PM to clarify, the PC could decide to include the LDP App into FOLIO LSP, but not including LDP itself Von Mike Gorrell an alle: 04:21 PM Right Ian. Von Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh) an alle: 04:23 PM Reporting is an essential piece of any Library Management System - discovery and ILL not Von Tom Cramer an alle: 04:25 PM So the PC would make a product decision. Then the TC would ensure technical gates are defined and met. Is there a CC (or other group?) task to establish process for including extra-mural apps in FOLIO builds? Von Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh) an alle: 04:25 PM Yes Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle: 04:26 PM Certainly agree that (whatever the outcome) the process and requirements need to be well defined I do worry about the scalability of including non-FOLIO apps in core releases. A proper App Store model would be good Von Ian Walls an alle: 04:26 PM we've been talking about this very thing in TC Von Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh) an alle: 04:26 PM Good idea Harry |