#1 Rollover poLines by chunks failed (Encumbrance should be released before deletion in mod-orders logs)
Error description
Error is connected to order rollover process and incorrect status of encumbrances for closed orders - they should be released or even do not exist in new FY
- If you are on testing env and can restore state before the rollover, fix_encumbrances should be run for current FY before the rollover
- If you did a rollover and it failed, fix_encumbrances should be run for rolled FY (next one), after that order rollover process should be started manually via API (POST /orders/rollover)
#2 duplicate key value violates unique constraint "transaction_pkey"
Error description
duplicate key value violates unique constraint "transaction_pkey"
This error is thrown on DB level when FYRO script tries to create transaction with already existing UUID.
- run SQL to find duplicates
- SQL returns sourcePoLineId so you need to review transactions connected to this order line and its fund distribution (funds, expense classes, etc) to decide remove or move back to previous year:
To decide what action apply (remove or move back) additional information is required:
0. Find order line id from transaction (run when order line is unknown)select jsonb->'encumbrance'->>'sourcePoLineId' as sourcePoLineId from {tenant}_mod_finance_storage.transaction where id in ({transactionIds});
> transactionIds - list of transaction UUIDs to analize
> tenant is tenant id
1. Find transactions for order line in FY rollover fromSELECT id, jsonb, creation_date, created_by, fiscalyearid, fromfundid, sourcefiscalyearid, tofundid, expenseclassid FROM {tenant}_mod_finance_storage.transaction WHERE jsonb->'encumbrance'->>'sourcePoLineId' in ({...sourcePoLineIds}) AND fiscalyearid = '{fiscalyearid}';
> sourcePoLineIds - list of order line UUIDs to analize
> fiscalyearid is id (UUID) of FY library rollovers from
> tenant is tenant id
2. Find POL fund distributionsSELECT id, jsonb->>'fundDistribution' as fundDistribution FROM {tenant}_mod_orders_storage.po_line WHERE id in ({...sourcePoLineIds});
> tenant is tenant id
> sourcePoLineIds - list of order line UUIDs to analize- move back - I rely only on this query. If this query returns already existing UUID, it means that this transaction is from past
> SELECT public.uuid_generate_v5(public.uuid_nil(), concat('BER1', {transactionId}))
IMPORTANT: only 2.a is enough to fix "duplicate key constraint error", 2.b is used to have right values and get rid of data inconsistency - when you see that there are still duplicates, you can decide what to remove based on order line fund distribution
- move back - I rely only on this query. If this query returns already existing UUID, it means that this transaction is from past
- run fix_encumbrances script in Dry run mode to find duplicates (2 and 3 steps report them)
- repeat #2 for found duplicated lines
- run script in normal mode
#3 Your FOLIO system is configured to limit the number of PO Lines on each order - Nolana
Error description
Error is connected to the count of requests made by mod-orders to mod-orders-storage during order rollover process - Some order line update requests are failed.
It was found that error can occur in Nolana, in Orchid another approach to send requests is used. To fix it special node.js script should be executed to parse logs of failed order lines requests
Steps taken to fix the issue
- Collect logs from mod-orders module in range when order rollover was running and by messages that contains Exception calling PUT /orders-storage/po-linesLogs should be exported in CSV or TXT formats.
- Follow instructions to run post_order_rollover script
- Optional: Once script is finished and there are no other errors reported during Rollover, Rollover progress status can be changed to Success in DB.