Question | Status | Conclusion | Comments |
Do we need to output encumbrance values or estimated prices? | | Estimated prices | No need to output encumbrances associated with funds at this time - purely estimated costs of orders. |
What format does the output need to be in? | Status |
colour | Yellow |
title | In Progress |
| JSON desired. | semi-structured text. Can we do JSON? Sample output to come. |
What is the relationship, if any, with the need to output organization info? | | Tight integration |
Is this export process handled via scheduled job, manual export order or API call from the AP system? | | Report generated and pushed through pl1/python script for conversion to AP format via automated script on automated or on-demand basis |
If a file is to be output, is it output to local or output to sftp? | | SFTP; local download from logs |
External account number associated with fund code? Does it need to be associated with specific bank account numbers? | |
What additional info needs to be included in the output? | |
| UUID as primary match point? PO numbers are changeable (though some should not be) and they need something fixed, unchangeable and searchable within FOLIO |
Where is the match point between FOLIO and the AP system for a given order? | | Existing vendor, ledger, fund (AP level), order number. Firm orders must have precise vendor match, approval plans, subscriptions allow for misc. For firm orders, invoice must be within a specified window of estimated price or invoice will be rejected. | If required fields do not match, AP system will reject |
Do scripts get data out of Voyager currently? |
| Suite of scripts that collect and assemble requested information. One set extracts data, another set reformats into Momentum-ingestible - sent via SFTP to Momentum staging server, where preprocessing starts. Currently runs just after midnight on all orders approved "yesterday". Updates (other than cancellations) not captured. |